Butterfly Facts * Vocab * Activities * Resources * Credits * Game



Cryptic coloring- color patterns that have earth tone colors and blend into the earth or trees

Endangered- in danger of disappearing, no longer existing on Earth

Forewing- the front wing (closest to the head)

Hibernate- to sleep over winter

Hindwing- the back wing

Lepidoptera- the scientific name for all butterflies and moths

Migrate- to move from one place to another because of weather or food supply

Predator- an animal that hunts, kills, and eats other animals

Proboscis- a highly flexible, tube-like mouthpart used to drink flower nectar

Roost- to sleep, a place to sleep

Skipper- a type of lepidoptera, a mixture between butterflies and moths

Species- a scientific class, animals that are very similiar belong to the same species


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