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Nontraditional Manufacturing Laboratory  Dr. Yamaguchi Greenslet College of Engineering

Dr. Hitomi Yamaguchi Greenslet, Associate Professor

Dr. Greenslet’s primary research focuses on the underlying principles and significance of the magnetic field-assisted finishing (MAF) process, which she evaluates both analytically and experimentally. The MAF process has a wide range of applications from nanometer- to micrometer-scale surface finishing of both flat and curved components. In 2007, Dr. Greenslet started building a new laboratory at UF, the Nontraditional Manufacturing Laboratory, with the following vision: Scientific discovery of engineered surfaces. In pursuit of this vision, she has established a research program that focuses on ultra-precision surface modification and surface functionalization to respond to increasingly challenging industry demands. Her research combines the fields of nontraditional manufacturing, ultra-precision finishing, material science, optical engineering, and biomedical engineering. She is investigating surface functionalization (through the control of nanometer- and micrometer-scale structures on the component surface) to reply to relevant industrial demands. Her research has not been limited to surface engineering but also includes the development and manufacture of products that benefit from functionalized surfaces.

Major Areas of Interest

Academic Background

Ph.D in Engineering, Department of Production and Information Science, Utsunomiya University, Tochigi, Japan, March 1996

M.S. in Engineering, Department of Precision Engineering, Utsunomiya University, Tochigi, Japan, March 1993

B.S. in Engineering, Department of Precision Engineering, Utsunomiya University, Tochigi, Japan, March 1991

Professional Positions

         Visiting Positions:

Honors and Recognitions

Publications: 60 out of 72 papers

Refereed-Journals (Full-length Research Papers): 60 out of 70 papers

  1. Li W., Wang Y., Nteziyaremye V., Yamaguchi H., and Shih A.: Measurement of the Friction Force inside the Needle in Biopsy, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 138, No. 3 (2016), pp. 031003-1-031003-6.
  2. Yamaguchi H., Nteziyaremye V., Stein M., and Li W.: Hybrid Tool with Both Fixed-Abrasive and Loose-Abrasive Phases, CIRP Annals: Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 64, No. 1 (2015), pp. 337-340.
  3. Burrs S., Vanegas D.C., Bhargava M., Mechulan N., Hendershot P., Yamaguchi H., Gomes C., and McLamore E.S.: A Comparative Study of Graphene-Hydrogel Hybrid Bionanocomposites for Biosensing, Analyst, Vol. 140 (2015), pp. 1466-1476.
  4. Yamaguchi H., Srivastava A.K., Tan M.A., and Hashimoto F.: Magnetic Abrasive Finishing of Cutting Tools for High-Speed Machining of Titanium Alloys, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Vol. 7, No. 4 (2014), pp. 299-304.
  5. Yamaguchi H. and Graziano A.: Surface Finishing of Cobalt Chromium Alloy Femoral Knee Components, CIRP Annals: Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 63, No. 1 (2014), pp. 309-312.
  6. Graziano A.A., Ganguly V., Schmitz T., and Yamaguchi H.: Control of Lay on Cobalt Chromium Alloy Finished Surfaces using Magnetic Abrasive Finishing and Its Effect on Wettability, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 136, No. 3 (2014), pp. 031016-1–031016-8.
  7. Allison B.D., Subhash G., Arakere N.K., Chin H., Haluck D., and Yamaguchi H.: Extraction and Testing of Miniature Compression Specimens from Bearing Balls Subjected to Rolling Contact Fatigue, ASME Journal of Tribology, Vol. 136, No. 2 (2014), pp. 021103-1– 021103-7.
  8. Vanegas D.C., Taguchi M., Chaturvedi P., Burrs S., Tan M., Yamaguchi H., and McLamore E.S.: A Comparative Study of Carbon-Platinum Hybrid Nanostructure Architecture for Amperometric Biosensing, Analyst, Vol. 139 (2014) pp. 660 – 667.
  9. Boggs T., Carroll R., Tran-Son-Tay R., Al-Mousily F., DeGroff C., and Yamaguchi H.: Blood Cell Adhesion on a Polymeric Heart Valve Leaflet Processed Using magnetic Abrasive Finishing, ASME Journal of Medical Devices, Vol. 8, No. 1 (2013), pp. 011005-1– 011005-8.
  10. Salman Ö., Yamaguchi H., and Schueller J.: Mühendislik Eğitiminde Uzaktan Öğrenme Uygulamasına Bir Örnek: Florida Üniversitesi (An Example of Long-Distance Learning In Engineering Education: The University of Florida), Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi (Suleyman Demirel University, Journal of Natural and Applied Science), Vol. 17, Special Issue (2013), pp. 58-63.
  11. Ganguly V., Graziano A.A., Yamaguchi H., and Schmitz T.: Force Measurement and Analysis for Magnetic Field Assisted Finishing, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 135, No. 4 (2013), pp. 041016-1041016-9.
  12. Ramaswamy S., Salinas M., Carroll R., Landaburo K., Ryans X., Crespo C., Rivero A., Yamaguchi H., Al-Mousily F., DeGroff C., and Bleiweis M.: Protocol for Relative Hydrodynamic Assessment of Tri-leaflet Polymer Valves, Journal of Visualized Experiments, Bioengineering, Issue 80, (2013), doi: 10.3791/50335.
  13. Riveros R.E., Hann J.N., Taylor C.R., and Yamaguchi H.: Nanoscale Surface Modifications by Magnetic Field-assisted Finishing, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 135, No. 5 (2013), pp. 051014-1– 051014-7.
  14. Yamaguchi H., Srivastava A.K., Tan M.A., Riveros R.E., and Hashimoto F.: Magnetic Abrasive Finishing of Cutting Tools for Machining of Titanium Alloys, CIRP Annals: Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 61, No. 1 (2012), pp. 311-314.
  15. Kang J. and Yamaguchi H.: Internal Finishing of Capillary Tubes by Magnetic Abrasive Finishing using a Multiple Pole-tip System, Precision Engineering, Vol. 36 (2012), pp. 510-516.
  16. Riveros R.E., Yamaguchi H., Boggs T., Mitsuishi I., Takagi U., Ishizu K., Moriyama T., Ezoe Y., and Mitsuda K.: Magnetic Field Assisted Finishing of Silicon MEMS Micro-pore X-ray Optics, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 134 (2012), pp. 051001-1–051001-7.
  17. Yamaguchi H., Kang J., and Hashimoto F.: Metastable Austenitic Stainless Steel Tool for Magnetic Abrasive Finishing, CIRP Annals: Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 60, No. 1 (2011), pp. 339-342.
  18. Riveros R.E., Yamaguchi H., Mitsuishi I., Takagi U., Ezoe Y., Kato F., Sugiyama S., Yamasaki N., and Mitsuda K.: Development of an Alternating Magnetic Field Assisted Finishing Process for MEMS Micro-Pore X-Ray Optics, Applied Optics, Vol. 49, No. 18 (2010), pp. 3511-3521.
  19. Yamaguchi H., Riveros R.E., Mitsuishi I., Takagi U., Ezoe Y., Yamasaki N., Mitsuda K., and Hashimoto F.: Magnetic Field Assisted Finishing for Micro-pore X-ray Focusing Mirrors Fabricated by Deep Reactive Ion Etching, CIRP Annals: Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 59, No. 1 (2010), pp. 351-354.
  20. Yamaguchi H. and Kang J.: Study of Ferrous Tools in Internal Surface and Edge Finishing of Flexible Capillary Tubes by Magnetic Abrasive Finishing, Transactions of NAMRI/SME, Vol. 38 (2010), pp. 177-184.
  21. Ezoe Y., Mitsuishi I., Takagi U., Koshiishi M., Mitsuda K., Yamasaki N.Y., Ohashi T., Kato F., Sugiyama S., Riveros R.E., Yamaguchi H., Fujihira S., Kanamori Y., Morishita K., Nakajima K., and Maeda R.: Ultra Light-weight and High-resolution X-ray Mirrors using DRIE and X-ray LIGA Techniques for Space X-ray, Microsystems Technologies, Vol. 16, No. 8-9 (2010), pp. 1633-1641.
  22. Hanada K. and Yamaguchi H.: Development of Spherical Iron-based Composite Powder with Carried Alumina Abrasive Grains by Plasma Spray, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 75 (2009), pp. 43-46.
  23. Yamaguchi H., Yumoto K., Shinmura T., and Okazaki T.: Study of Finishing of Wafers by Magnetic Field-assisted Finishing, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2009), pp. 35-46.
  24. Sato T., Yamaguchi H., Shinmura T., and Okazaki T.: Study of Internal Finishing Process for Capillary using Magneto-rheological Fluid, J. Jpn. Soc. Prec. Eng, Vol. 75, No. 5 (2009), pp. 612-616. [in Japanese]
  25. Hanada K., Yamaguchi H., and Zhou H.: New Spherical Magnetic Abrasives with Carried Diamond for Internal Finishing of Capillary Tubes, Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 17 (2008), pp. 1434-1437.
  26. Yamaguchi H. and Hanada K.: Development of Spherical Magnetic Abrasive Made by Plasma Spray, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 130, No. 3 (2008), 031107-1–031107-9.
  27. Yamaguchi H., Shinmura T., and Ikeda R.: Study of Internal Finishing of Austenitic Stainless Steel Capillary Tubes by Magnetic Abrasive Finishing, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 129, No. 5 (2007), pp. 885-893.
  28. Sato T., Yamaguchi H., Shinmura T., and Okazaki T.: Study of Mirror Finishing Process using Magneto-Rheological Fluid, J. Jpn. Soc. Abrasive Technology, Vol. 51, No. 4 (2007), pp. 238-243. [in Japanese]
  29. Suzuki A., Yamaguchi H., Yamato H., Ohmori K., Koike K., Ohnuki T., and Shinmura T.: Development of Electroformed Ni-Co-based Magnetic Polishing Tools, Transactions. Jpn. Soc. Mech. Eng., Series C. Vol. 73, No. 726 (2007), pp. 632-638. [in Japanese]
  30. Sato T., Yamaguchi H., Shinmura T., and Okazaki T.: Study of Surface Finishing Process using Magneto-Rheological Fluid (MRF): 2nd report: Effects of the Finishing Behavior of MRF-based Slurry on Finishing Characteristics, J. Jpn. Soc. Prec. Eng., Vol. 72, No. 11 (2006), pp. 1402-1406. [in Japanese]
  31. Fujita H., Shinmura T., and Yamaguchi H.: Study of a New Precision Finishing Process for Inside Surface of Square Tube: Effects of Square Tube Surface Finishing on the Vibration Super Position and Its Finishing Mechanism, J. Jpn. Soc. Abrasive Technology, Vol. 50, No. 6 (2006), pp. 307-311. [in Japanese]
  32. Yamaguchi H., Shinmura T., Sato T., Taniguchi A., and Tomura T.: Study of Surface Finishing Process using Magneto-rheological Fluid (MRF): Development of MRF-based Slurry and Its Performance, J. Jpn. Soc. Prec. Eng. Vol. 72, No. 1 (2006), pp. 100-105. [in Japanese]
  33. Suzuki A., Kuwana A., Saito T., Koike K. Yamato H., Yamaguchi H., and Shinmura T.: Development of Magnetic Polishing Tools Using Electroforming, Transactions. Jpn. Soc. Mech. Eng., Series C. Vol. 71, No. 711 (2005), pp. 3326-3331. [in Japanese]
  34. Yamaguchi H., Shinmura T., and Sekine M.: Uniform Internal Finishing of SUS304 Stainless Steel Bent Tube using a Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Process, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 127, No. 3 (2005), pp. 605-611.
  35. Natsume M., Shinmura T., and Yamaguchi H.: Observation of the Abrasive Force and Abrasive Scratches in Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Process,  J. Jpn. Soc. Abrasive Technology, Vol. 49, No. 4 (2005), pp. 213-218. [in Japanese]
  36. Wang D., Shinmura T., and Yamaguchi H.: Study of Magnetic Field Assisted Mechanochemical Polishing Process for Inner Surface of Si3N4 Ceramic Components: Finishing Characteristics under Wet Finishing using Distilled Water, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, Vol. 44, No. 14 (2004), pp. 1547-1553.
  37. Yamaguchi H., Shinmura T., and Kashiwagi R.: Internal Finishing of Austenitic Stainless Steel Tube by a Magnetic Field Assisted Finishing Process using a Slurry Circulation System, Transactions of NAMRI/SME, Vol. 32 (2004), pp. 175-182.
  38. Yamaguchi H. and Shinmura T.: Internal Finishing Process for Alumina Ceramic Components by a Magnetic Field Assisted Finishing Process, Precision Engineering, Vol. 28, No. 2 (2004), pp. 135-142.
  39. Wang D., Shinmura T., and Yamaguchi H.: Study of Magnetic-field-assisted Mechanochemical Polishing Process for Inner Surface of Si3N4 Ceramic Components: Finishing Characteristics under Wet Conditions, J. Jpn. Soc. Abrasive Technology, Vol. 47, No. 4 (2003), pp. 201-205. [in Japanese]
  40. Wang D., Shinmura T., and Yamaguchi H.: Study of Magnetic Field Assisted Mechanochemical Polishing Process for Inner Surface of Si3N4 Ceramic Components, J. Jpn. Soc. Abrasive Technology, Vol. 47, No. 1 (2003), pp. 34-38. [in Japanese]
  41. Yamaguchi H., Shinmura T., and Takenaga M.: Development of a New Precision Internal Machining Process Using an Alternating Magnetic Field, Precision Engineering, Vol. 27, No. 1 (2003), pp. 51-58.
  42. Wang D., Yamaguchi H., and Shinmura T.: Magnetic Field Assisted Mechanochemical Polishing Process for Inner Surface of Silicon Nitride Ceramic Components, Transactions of Jpn. Soc. Mech. Eng., Series C, Vol. 68, No. 673 (2002), pp. 2770-2776. [in Japanese]
  43. Yamaguchi H., Shinmura T., Kasai K., and Aizawa T.: Study of Micro–machining Process Applying Cavitation Based on Ultrasonic Vibration, Transactions. Jpn. Soc. Mech. Eng., Series C, Vol. 68, No. 673 (2002), pp. 2777-2782. [in Japanese]
  44. Chen Z., Yamaguchi H., and Liang S.Y.: Predictive Modeling of Cutting Fluid Aerosol Generation in Cylindrical Grinding, Technical papers of NAMRI/SME, Vol. XXV (2002), pp. 1-8.
  45. Yamaguchi H. and Shinmura T.: Development of an Environmentally Conscious Magnetic Field Assisted Finishing Process: Internal Finishing of SUS304 Stainless Steel Clean Pipes, J. Jpn. Soc. Prec. Eng., Vol. 68, No. 1 (2002), pp. 119-124. [in Japanese]
  46. Shinmura T. and Yamaguchi H.: Precision Surface Finishing of Si3N4 Fine Ceramic Components by the Application of Magnetic Abrasive Machining, J. Jpn. Soc. Prec. Eng., Vol. 67, No. 12 (2001), pp. 1986-1990. [in Japanese]
  47. Yamaguchi H., Shinmura T., and Horiuchi N.: Study of the Magnetic Tool Behavior and Its Relationship to the Processing Characteristics in a Magnetic Field Assisted Barrel Finishing Process, Transactions of NAMRI/SME, Vol. XXIX (2001), pp. 197-204.
  48. Shinmura T., Yamaguchi H., and Watanabe M.: Study of a New Internal Finishing Process by the Application of Magnetic Abrasive Machining: Development of an Abrasive Slurry Circulation System and Its Effects on the Finishing Characteristics, J. Jpn. Soc. Prec. Eng., Vol. 67, No. 4 (2001), pp. 575-580. [in Japanese]
  49. Yamaguchi H., Shinmura T., and Kobayashi A.: Development of an Internal Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Process for Nonferromagnetic Complex Shaped Tubes, JSME Int. J., Series C, Vol. 44, No. 1 (2001), pp. 275-281.
  50. Yamaguchi H., Shinmura T., and Watanabe S.: Study of a Magnetic Field Assisted Internal Finishing Process using Abrasive Slurry Circulation System: Effects of Geometrical and Magnetic Properties of Magnetic Particles on the Finishing Characteristics, J. Jpn. Soc. Prec. Eng., Vol. 67, No. 3 (2001), pp. 444-449. [in Japanese]
  51. Nakano F., Yanagihara K., Yamaguchi H., Tani Y., and Kanda Y.: Basic Study on Magnetic-field Assisted Cutting: Improvement of Machinability in Cutting Austenitic Stainless Steel, Transactions. Jpn. Soc. Mech. Eng., Series C, Vol. 66, No. 648 (2000), pp. 2840-2845. [in Japanese]
  52. Shinmura T. and Yamaguchi H.: Study on a New Internal Finishing Process by the Application of Magnetic Abrasive Machining: Effects of Magnetic Field Distribution on Finishing Characteristics, J. Jpn. Soc. Abrasive Technology, Vol. 44, No. 4 (2000), pp. 180-186. [in Japanese]
  53. Yamaguchi H. and Shinmura T.: Study of an Internal Magnetic Abrasive Finishing using a Pole Rotation System: Discussion of the Characteristic Abrasive Behavior, Precision Engineering, Vol. 24, No. 3 (2000) pp. 237-244.
  54. Yamaguchi H. and Shinmura T.: Study of the Surface Modification Resulting from an Internal Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Process, Wear, Vol. 225-229, Part I (1999), pp. 246-255.
  55. Shinmura T., Hamano Y., and Yamaguchi H.: A New Precision Deburring Process for Inside Tubes by the Application of Magnetic Abrasive Machining, Transactions. Jpn. Soc. Mech. Eng., Series C, Vol. 64, No. 620 (1998), pp. 1428-1434. [in Japanese]
  56. Yamaguchi H. and Gilmore J.R.: Deformability of the Flexible Grinding Stone in a New Abrasive Machining Process for Three-dimensional Geometry, Technical Paper of NAMRI/SME, Vol. XXVI (1998), pp. 107-112.
  57. Kamimura Y., Yamaguchi  H., and Tani Y.: Ductile Regime Cutting of Brittle Materials Using a Flying Tool Under Negative Pressure, Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 46, No. 1 (1997), pp. 451-454.
  58. Kamimura Y., Tani Y., Sato H., and Yamaguchi H.: Ductile Regime Cutting of Brittle Materials Using a Flying Tool under Negative Pressure, Transactions. Jpn. Soc. Mech. Eng., Series C, Vol. 63, No. 614 (1997), pp. 3654-3659. [in Japanese]
  59. Yamaguchi H., Shinmura T., and Kaneko T.: Development of a New Internal Finishing Process Applying Magnetic Abrasive Finishing by Use of Pole Rotation System, Int. J. Jpn. Soc. Prec. Eng., Vol. 30, No. 4 (1996), pp. 317-322.
  60. Yamaguchi H. and Shinmura T.: Study on a New Internal Finishing Process by the Application of Magnetic Abrasive Machining: Discussion of Roundness, J. Jpn. Soc. Prec. Eng., Vol. 62, No. 11 (1996), pp. 1617-1621. [in Japanese]