Welcome to my teaching portfolio. Below you will find links to various PowerPoint presentations I have done as class assignments and some presentations I have done as an instructor in my own labs.

Teaching Theory:

During one of my first in-class presentations, I taught my classmates about John Bigg's Constructive Allignment theory and how it applies to education.

To view a full version of my PowerPoint presentation, click here.

To view a PDF version, click here.

Legal Issues in High Education:

For my second presentation in my Mass Communications Teaching course, I discussed legal issies facing professors, TAs and other people involved in higher education.

To view a full version of my PowerPoint presentation, click here.

To view a PDF version, click here.

Spiral of Silence:

For my Mass Communications Theories course, Adam Bornstein, Katie Hendrick and I gave a group presentation on the Spiral of Silence Theory.

To view a full version of our PowerPoint presentation, click here.

To view a PDF version, click here.

While in California, I got to drive through the hills of Malibu - something we in Florida aren't used to driving through. I stumbled upon Peperdine University and found this great view of the Pacific Ocean.