501 SW 75th ST.
Apt: F4
Gainesville, FL 32607

APRIL 9, 2007



Call Number


Type of Material

Video   'Pamphlet   Data sheet   Article   RAudio tape

Model  'Statistics    Book         'Poster    Other:______


Family Album Radio: Suicide Risk


Donna Davis


University of Florida

Year of Publication


Target Audience

Doctor’s Audience, Discussion Groups,  Family Home Listening

Suggested Setting

Radio Station

Length/Size (minute/page)

2 minutes

Information on the Web (if applicable)


Downloadable at


Order Information


Cost (USD)


Information updated

April 2, 2007


Diana Carolina Duque




Suicide is the third leading causes of death among young people who are feeling stressed or have conflicts with school, family, and the community. The highest rates of suicides are actually among the elderly. The audio gives three reasons why this occurs often in the elderly population. Many suicides are preventable. Most suicidal people are desperate to live but they can’t see a way out of their problem. The audio clip states that suicidal people are at risk when they have one or more of five specific signs. Then it proceeds into details about detecting several symptoms of a suicidal person. As a closing to the Family Album Radio it provided three ways you can go about helping a suicidal person. Even a very resourceful suicide hotline was given. With a few seconds left on the tape, Donna says that if you want to learn more visit our website at www.familyalbumradio.org

Critical Comments



Authority: The content creator of the audio was representing the esteemed and well-regarded University of Florida located in the City of Gainesville.

Authenticity: The content of the audio is accurat, detailed, and properly researched.

Content: Each individual point was always supported by three strong reasons. It started out negative with the facts and ended positive with ways anybody can help those a risk of suicide.

Depth: The content of the audio went into great detail with supporting evidence in only two minutes. It was also in an easy to hear and understand pace.

Purpose: This audio is very enlightening and is needed in order to educate young people on suicide risk, as well as the elderly.

Organization: The content was well-organized and flowed together effectively. It started with high rates in elderly population, which lead to high risk people, then to symptoms, and then to ways you can help. Each of these four points had three supporting points.

Efficient: The content is worth the effort and time to listen to. It is very informative and essential to know.




Call Number


Type of Material

RVideo    Pamphlet   Data sheet   Article   Audio tape

Model   Statistics    Book           Poster    Other:______


Food Initiative


Scott Hayes



Year of Publication


Target Audience

Concerned Adults/Parents/Friends of those at suicidal risks

Suggested Setting

News & Highschool or higher levels of classes

Length/Size (minute/page)

1 minute 40 seconds

Information on the Web (if applicable)


Downloadable at


Order Information


Cost (USD)


Information updated

April 2, 2007


Diana Carolina Duque




During the summer time while kids with low economic status are out of school is when they roam the streets with hunger. Sometimes free or reduced school lunches are the only means for these children to be fed throughout the school year. In this quick one minute and forty second video it shows how in Breathitt County, Kentucky, a Summer Feeding Program helped serve over 10,000 free meals to students. Martha Yount, Extension Agent, believes that the U.S.D.A. initiative will help tie in the hunger problem as well as the farming. Meetings have been held for Extensions Agents, Farmers, and Officials about the Community Food Security. State, non-profit, and private corporations and extension agents will help deliver this message. Extension Specialist teaches farmers how to sell and market their produce because they are out there with those families in need. Besides the Summer Feeding Program seven areas have been targeted by this initiative. They will also help vegetables growers, like those in the farmers market, by purchasing those produce that cannot be sold because they are small or have minor blemishes but are still perfectly well to consume for use in the food bank.

Critical Comments



Potential Audience: This video would be a good resource for produce farmers and families. It is especially important those with low economic status.

Availability: This video was not easily accessible. The clip wasn’t available online. It should be made available for parents to know of their options for their children of all ages in the summer time.

Organization: This video was organized properly. It had great shots of the amount of bags that were filled with healthy foods, such as sandwiches and apples. The video showed how comfortable the educational meetings were held. The clip also focused on farmers and everyday people that the audience would be able to relate to easily.

Content:  The clip could have included one more interview of a family that was helped by the initiative. Since the video was informative it could also have provided where the families can receive these resources. As well as, where people can volunteer to assist in the initiative.
