Charlotte Manes banner


In the order they were introduced into my life, here is a handy reference to my various brothers and sisters.




 Name:Michael Manes


 Relation:Little Brother

 Acquired:Fall 1992

 Description:Michael became my brother when I was  5 years old, making him the first sibling I ever had. He  is a freshman in high school. He recently crossed over to  percussion, grew out his hair, and became a ladies man.


 Name:Marla Manes


 Relation:Little Sister

 Acquired:Spring 1997

 Description:Marla is 10 years my junior. She is in the  fourth grade. She loves to perform and it is very rare to  find her not talking.

Tau Beta Sigma

(band sorority)


 Name:Crister Moynahan


 Relation:Big Sister

 Acquired:Fall 2006

 Description:Crister became my big sister in my first  semester at UF. He is the Southeast District President  of Tau Beta Sigma, which is a co-ed sorority. He just  graduated in December 2006 and I miss him.

 Family Name:Lucky (TBΣ family)


 Name:Knight Suffich


 Relation:Big Brother

 Acquired:Fall 2006

 Description:Knight became my big brother in my first  semester at UF. He is in Kappa Kappa Psi, the brother  fraternity to Tau Beta Sigma. He is a lot taller than me  and he is awesome.

 Family Name:Integral (KKΨ family)


 Name:Anna Malhiot


 Relation:Little Brother

 Acquired:Spring 2007

 Description:Anna is my first (greek) little. She, too,  will be in Kappa Kappa Psi, which is also co-ed. She is in  some of my classes because she is also a music education  major and she totally rocks.

 Family Name:Lucky (TBΣ family)

Phi Mu

(social sorority)


 Name:Courtney Wright


 Relation:Big Sister

 Acquired:Spring 2007

 Description:Courtney and I are two of the precious  few who are in both band and a social sorority. She plays  the saxophone. She is very glad to be back at UF after  studying abroad in London last semester.

 Family Name:TΔ-Tau Delta