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Vanderbilt Sports Medicine


Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Year of Publication


Target Audience

General public engaging in physical activity

Suggested Setting

Gym or home

Length/Size (minute/page)

1 minute 22 seconds

Information on the Web (if applicable)


Downloadable at


Order Information


Cost (USD)

Free Online

Information updated

October 16, 2007


Jenny Jeon




There are various tools and equipments that can be used when exercising.  Therabands for example are used to work out the lower extremity by creating resistance against itself and the legs.  Therabands are no different than oversized rubber bands that people put around their ankles.  There are different resistances with every different theraband, and also depending on how the theraband is put on, that too can create more of a resistance.  There are four different exercises that can be utilized using the therabands including: carioca, backwards walking, forwards walking, and sliding.  These are a few exercises that can work out both inner and outer thighs, hips, and gluts with very little movement.   Carioca is an exercise where a person steps sideways placing the feet in front and in back respectively. Backward and forward walking is self explanatory where a person walks backward and then forwards pulling out their legs as far as the theraband will let them and sliding is where the person steps sideways bringing the feet together and then apart again.  Alone without the band, these exercises would merely just be walking but with these bands, more muscles are worked and may be more difficult. 

Critical Comments



Life.  Life of the this video would last as long as therabands are in existence since it is an introduction video and people that do not know how to use therabands would probably use the video for help.    

Availability. This video is available online for free by just visiting the website from where this video is located. 

Interest.  This interest for therabands is not very prominent.  Some people don’t even know what a theraband is much less want to watch a how-to video about it, but for those that have a theraband would probably like to watch this video once or twice just to brush up on the basics.

Depth.  As short as this video clip is, many people still don’t seem like they would be interested, because of the unimportance of it. 

Appeal.  This video was not appealing at all.  A little dry and dull with no audio clips which makes it even worse. 

Originality. Not really original since anyone could have made this video.  This video just explains four different exercises that can be performed using therabands. 


3552 SW 30th Way #140

Gainesville, FL 32608

Last updated: November 12, 2007
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