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   Chats and their instructions:

Chat meeting 1.

Student A:  Greet your partner and ask   a.)  where s/he is from  b.) how s/he is,  c.) what subjects s/he is taking this semester  d.) the time of his / her first class (primera clase) and what the teacher is like.
Student B: You would like to know more about your partner's job; asks a.) where s/he works, what days of the weeks and which hours he works. Then ask about the activities s/he does on saturdays, ask what s/he does (¿Qué haces?)

Chat meeting 2
Student A:  It is the beginning of the semester, and you missed yesterday 's class. As usual, you expect some minor changes in the course schedule and the syllabus. Ask your partner a.) If there is any homework, b.) What time the class is tomorrow,  c.) If there is an exam soon, and  d.) when the exam is.
Now answer your classmate questions about your personality, physical description, likes and
dislikes, and your pet.
  Student B: 
Answer your classmate's questions being as specific as possible. You may add that the test will take place in a different classroom and give him/her the class location; explain to your classmate the location of the building where the test will take place.
After that, ask for a desciption of your classmate
, what his/her likes and dislikes are, daily routine, and also if s/he has a pet, get some details about it.

Chat meeting 3.
Student A:  You are trying to set up your classmate on a blind date with one of your friends. Answer your classmate's questions trying to tailor your answers to what you think s/he would like in a person since you want them to meet.
Student B:  Your classmate is trying to set up on a blind date. Ask as many questions as possible to get the information you woud like to know before deciding what to do.

Chat meeting 4.
Student A:  You had to work late last night and missed a very important game at your college/university. Tell your friend what happened, after greeting him/her,  a.) Explain why you did not go,  b.) Say how you feel for not having gone c.) Tell him/her the many other things you had to do. d.) Say that you know s/he went to the game e.) Ask as many questions about the game. f.) Answer your friends' questions and g.) Accept his/her invitation.
Student B:
A friend tells you about last night game. a.) Answer his/her questions giving as many details as possible b.) Show how you understand the inconveniences he had, c.)Tell him/her that there is another game on Saturday, d.) Find out if s/he is free that evening, and e.) If free, invite him/her to go with you.





T/ Methods




