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Anurag Sharma
3800 SW 34th Street #P135
Gainesville FL 32608 USA
Ph: 352-871-0831(M), 352-846-3027(O)
Email: anurag46@ufl.edu, anurag.s3@gmail.com
Currently pursuing Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. The expected graduation date is April 2010. GPA: 4.0/4.0.
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, Aug 2006-Dec 2007. GPA: 4.0/4.0.
Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering, BMS College of Engineering, Visvesvaraya Technological University, India, Sept 2001-Jun 2005. Graduated with First class with Distinction.
Professional affiliations:
- Student
member of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).
- Student
member of American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
- Finite Element Packages: ABAQUS (Ph.D. research), NASTRAN, ANSYS, ADINA.
- Software Tools: Matlab, Mathcad, Maple, Pro Engineer (Wildfire 3.0), Adobe Photoshop.
- Programming languages: Python, FORTRAN, C, C++.
- Microsoft Office Tools: Word, Excel, Powerpoint.
Work Experience:
I. Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Mechanical
& Aerospace Engineering,
University of Florida, Jan 2007-current
University Institutes Project (CUIP), NASA (Doctoral Dissertation):
Thermo-mechanical structural analysis and design of corrugated-core sandwich panels to function as integral thermal protection systems (ITPS), for future space vehicles as used on a Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV).
Identify key failure mechanisms in the ITPS sandwich construction and developed stress analysis procedures that can be used in the design of the ITPS.
Finite Element (FE) techniques for transient heat transfer analysis, mechanical/thermal buckling and collapse analysis, and general non-linear analysis.
FE based homogenization and micro mechanical analysis of corrugated sandwich panels of ITPS.
Real time research work contributing to the development of concept vehicles for NASAs Mars mission in consultation with Dr. Max Blosser (Aerospace Technologist, NASA Langley Research Center) through teleconferences, quarterly reports and annual review meetings.
Proposal to develop a methodology (deliverable to NASA) to obtain a minimum mass optimized ITPS, by combining the MATLAB optimizer and the Surrogate toolbox with ABAQUS analysis tools.
II. Software Engineer, Silver Software Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, India, July 2005-June
Design Scrutiny based on the Requirement for Landing Gears Extraction and Retraction (LGERS) for Airbus-380, and developed some of the functional modules for the same.
Testing of Control Logic and System Bite Classes, for Landing Gears Extraction and Retraction for Airbus-380 using the Rational Test Real Time Software suite.
Course/Class Projects:
Modeling of Korean Tipper Body and Design Analysis of Mounting Brackets, using Pro Engineer (Wildfire 3.0) at Volvo India Pvt Ltd.
Modeling of 6X4 suspension assembly (Truck Trailer) using Pro Engineer (Wildfire 3.0) at Volvo India Pvt Ltd.
Minimization of ten bar truss structure by deterministic and probabilistic optimization, and performed the reliability analysis using Monte Carlo with constraints on the maximum allowed stress.
Optimizing the design of a paper helicopter by maximizing fall time and minimizing the standard deviation using surrogate.
Deep drawing of a cylindrical cup using axis symmetric element in Abaqus.
Publications: You can find the full list of my publications online (Publications)
Academic Awards/Activities:
Teaching Assistant at University of Florida for the course (Mechanics of Materials).
Topped the PhD Qualifying Exam in Spring 2008, Courses : 1) Failure of Materials in Mechanical Design, 2) Finite Element Analysis and Application, 3) Applied Elasticity and Advanced Mechanics of Solids.
Awarded certificate of academic excellence for consistently achieving GPA of 4.0 at University of Florida during the academic years of 2006, 2007 and 2008.
Participated in NASA 2008 CUIP Video competition to showcase our research, thereby generating awareness and interest in the general public, for our field of work.
Participated in American Society for Composites (ASC) PhD Scholarships Awards 2009 and the results are awaited.
Conducted and organized seminars for the research groups, headed by Dr. Bhavani Sankar, Dr. Peter Ifju and Dr. Ghatu Subhash at the University of Florida, Gainesville.
Extra-curricular activities:
Actively involved in community work like teaching Mathematics and Physics to the under-privileged students in the Remedial Classes organized by Don Bosco School, West Bengal, India.
Volunteer for Gators for ASHA, a non-profit organization working towards providing basic education for underprivileged children in India.
Ran the 9 mile Gate River Run at Jacksonville on March 14th, 2009 for raising funds for Gators for ASHA.
Working as a Public coordinator for ASHA.
- Dr. Bhavani V. Sankar, PhD advisor, University of Florida, Gainesville
- Dr. Raphael T. Haftka, PhD co-advisor, University of Florida, Gainesville
- Dr. Peter Ifju, PhD Committee Member, University of Florida, Gainesville
- Dr. Nam Ho Kim, PhD Committee Member, University of Florida, Gainesville
- Dr. David Jenkins, Associate Engineer, University of Florida, Gainesville