IPC 2007 is brought to you in part by...
- UF Pride Student Union
- UF LGBT Affairs
- UF Student Government
- Pride Community Center of North Central Florida
- Mooji Moo Yogurt
- The Gelato Company
- Falafel King
- Gumby's Pizza
- Atlanta Bread Company
- Jeff's New York Deli
Conference Hosts
Sponsors, Donors, and Support
Keynote Speaker
Emi Koyama

Emi Koyama is a multi-issue social justice slut synthesizing feminist,
Asian, survivor, dyke, queer, sex worker, intersex, genderqueer, and crip
politics, as these factors, while not a complete descriptor of who she is,
all impacted her life. Emi is currently the director of Intersex Initiative.
Emi lives in Portland, Oregon and is putting the 'emi' back in 'feminism'
since 1975. If you're interested in learning more about Emi and her
incredible work, check out her websites:
This Year's Workshops
This year's Intercollegiate Pride Conference supports a verifiable rainbow of workshops
and presentations, colored with diversity and myriad focii. Workshops include:
- LGBTQ Concerns in the Job Search
- Emotional Intelligence and Lifelong Success
- Trans-Inclusion in Higher Education
- Becoming OUTspoken: Telling your story as an LGBTQ person
- Standing up against the anti-gay Christian right
- Documentary Filmmaking in Black LGBTQ Communities
- Coming Out Whole: Honoring our Spiritual Selves
- This is what a Queer Feminist looks like
- When Identities Mix: Greek and LGBTQ
- Plus more!!
Interested in providing a workshop next year? Send your contact information to ipc@ufpride.org to remain in contact with the Pride Student Union for the 8th annual IPC!