The 6th Annual Intercollegiate Pride Conference

The 6th Annual Intercollegiate Pride Conference (IPC) will be hosted at the University of Florida on November 9th-11th, 2007. The conference is open to all college students, staff, and faculty from across the Southeast.

IPC is designed to serve as a forum and safe-space to promote activism, advocacy, education, and social change for individuals of LGBTQI identities and their allies. This year’s theme–Lights, Camera, Take Action!–reflects our aim to educate leaders as stars of the social justice stage and screen, and through that promote and incite positive dialogue and change for people of all identities.

We encourage individuals of all backgrounds, identities, and passions to attend what we expect to be the most fabulous Intercollegiate Pride Conference to date! Register now!


Early registration is open until Thursday, November 8th at 4:30pm. Registration forms can be turned into LGBT Affairs in the Dean of Students Office (Peabody Hall) or can be e-mailed to as an attachment. For students who register late, in-person registration will be available Friday, November 9th from 6:30pm to 10pm or Saturday, November 10th from 9:30am to 11am in Ustler Hall.

Updates (Updated on 11-9-07)

The Intercollegiate Pride Conference is underway! Arrive in-person to receive your conference materials between 6:30pm and 9:30pm on Friday or 9:30am and 10:30am on Saturday. Staff will be ready and willing to help you. All of our registration tables will be in Ustler Hall, the Center for Women's Studies and Gender Research. For more information regarding schedules and registration, head to our schedule page.