Pack light!

Don't try to fit your closest in your suitcase. Bring only one or two of each article of clothing.

Culture over comfort

Don't get conned into paying wads of cash for luxurious hotel rooms or ritzy rental cars. Do your research. To really experience the lifestyle of the land you're visiting, try to find out how the locals live. Often, Bed and Breakfast Inns are the way to go.

If there are none available, try camping! Or if that's more than you're ready for, cabins are always a comfortable compromise.

Learn the language

Even if you're just a Southerner visiting the yanks, it's important to know how to communicate. In the south, we say "ma'am" to women as a sign of respect. Up north, "ma'am" is an insult connoting something similar to "dirty old hag".

And of course, if you're traveling somewhere where the native language isn't one you know, learn the essentials (bathroom, directions, and food basics).

Money matters

Keep up with the currency. Know what your money is worth wherever you are. It's always a good idea to have a little more money on you than you expect to spend, just in case you find the perfect souvenir or get in a bind, but don't exchange too much! When you exchange your foreign currency back into dollars, you'll probably find you're pockets are lighter than you originally calculated.