I love to go "con-ing". I'm a regular at most Florida anime conventions. Recently I have begun to work in Artist Allies at conventions across the southeast with Gator Anime (I'm the PR head). I love so many things about cons, but the number one thing is the bonds of friendship you make there. I sometimes get nostalgic remembering past conventions and the good times had at them.

Me cosplaying Sebastian from Kuroshitsuji at Metrocon 2009

If you've never been to an anime convention before and you are thinking about attending one, here is some advice from a veteran con-goer:

Bring these

Con Gear: Food!
Everyone should bring food to a con. People usually get so caught up in the fun and excitement that they forget to eat! Nothing sucks the fun out of a con faster than starving.
Con Gear: Water!
Water is just as vital as food. I have seen too many otaku rolled out of a con on a stretcher due to dehydration. If any part of the con is outside or you are dancing at any sort of event drink water.
Con Gear: Chargers!
Odds are you'll lose your friends at some point during a convention, or you'll want to order delivery, or your parents will call to check on you. If your cell phone is dead you can't do any of these. Communication is important!
Con Gear: Emergency Money!
I know that all the gear in the dealers' room is tempting. I know that one booth has a figurine of your favorite character that no one has ever heard of. I know you want to spend all your money on whimsical and unique things that you can only find at cons or online shops, but you need to save some of your money for emergency purposes. You could run out of food, or need to pay for additional hotel charges, or whatever the case may be. I know how tempting it is to spend all of your money, but don't. Keep a set amount in your wallet sanctioned off and only spend it when you find yourself in emergency situations.
Con Gear: Street Clothes!
It may sound silly to remind people to bring normal clothes, but you'd be surprised at the amount of people that forget. You don't want to sleep in your cosplay or have to walk around in your rave outfit for seven hours. Sometimes you just want to be comfortable, and with street clothes packed you can choose that option.