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EME 2040 Lab Index Page

PowerPoint | Concept Map | Excel | Photoshop Practice | Photoshop Project | WebQuest Practice | WebQuest Project | iMovie


My presentation was based on the growth of technology in educational atmospheres. I chose my background because I liked the color palette and general layout of the slides. I included the links I chose because the information included in the slides were from those links. They can accessed for further information. I included perspectives on the growth of educational technology to my presentation because it is interesting to see how different the learning process is now compared to "then." I chose the information about each theory based on the research I did, and I used what I felt was the most important and compelling information. The pictures I chose for my presentation were used to illustrate learning "now and then": then, a overhead projector and a blackboard and now, a child on a computer in the classroom.

Concept Map

My concept map shows the study of Advertising Research and the techniques used to conduct it. I illustrated the three types of advertising research, qualitative, quantitative, and explanatory. I then showed how they are used, the advantages, and a research method used in each of the types. Each category if research has a link attached for further explanation.


I would use Excel in the advertising field to budget accounts for each client and to budget accounts for our agency. My future career goal is to be an account executive at an advertising agency and financial responsibilities are a major part of that job. Agencies look for proficiency in programs like Excel, and this activity show mine.

Photoshop Practice


Photoshop Project

My graphic is an advertisement for Maidenform. In the advertising field photoshop is used to manipulate photographs for advertisements. This assignment was a great tool to help me brushen up on my current photoshop skills and learn new techniques. The first layer is the black and white photo. The techniques I used to manipulate this photo was taking away its saturation to make it black and white. I then used the history brush tool to make the bra hanging on the mirror pink again. My second layer is the headline, which I changed to white text and embossed. My third layer is the body copy at the bottom, which I also changed to white text and embossed. My fourth and final layer is the Maidenform logo. I inserted the image and then used the magic eraser tool to remove the white box that was around it.

WebQuest Practice

WebQuests are a great tool to learn and understand new concepts. They are extremely useful in terms of easy navigation of assignment, assessment, and resources. The web page spells the assignment out to the learner, and the additional links help the learner use the resources to complete the task at hand. In terms of understanding, WebQuests are the best tool we have used so far. They are easy to navigate and provide the best means of finding appropriate information for an assignment. Also, the rubric is on the page, which is a great tool to help the user gauge their work. I didn't find many disadvantages except the page we made was a little ascetically boring. Other than that, WebQuests are a great tool for learners to use to understand whatever needs to be understood.

WebQuest Project

My WebQuest is about advertising, more specifically, how to create a print ad. I chose this because I am an advertising major, and while creative isn't going to be my field, it is still important to know the "how-to's" of being a creative. This WebQuest will guide the learner through the field of advertising and then provide a some instruction on how to create a print ad. They must use links I provided to do research on the product chosen (Reef Sandals) and investigate the field of advertising through AdvertisingAge, the industry's leading magazine. The guidelines were clear and the rubric provided information to get the most possible points. This WebQuest should be a great help to someone who is just beginning to learn about the field of advertising.
