Global Warming - The Problem

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The main problem which my public policy is designed to address is global warming. The scientific community is in agreement that the current trend of global warming is due mainly to the actions of human beings. The use of fossil fuels is releasing a significant amount of carbon dioxide, or CO2, into the atmosphere which is creating a greenhouse effect on the earth. The amount of CO2 is increasing exponentially as demand increases in developed nations such as the United States and even more so in developing countries like China and India. The greenhouse effect which powers global warming is already having an enormous impact on the climate-sensitive areas of our planet such as the poles. Glaciers are melting and the polar ice caps are shrinking at an increasing rate. The consequences are already being felt on the animal life of the region, especially polar bears which are at risk of becoming extinct due to the lack of ice. If the current trends of fossil fuel use continue scientists are predicting even more drastic changes which will easily be felt by humans. Some of these include a rise in sea level, an increase in tropical weather phenomenon such as hurricanes, and rolling heat waves on land. significant

Consequences of Global Warming