Arts Advocacy
Lyndon B. Johnson
Art is a nation's most precious heritage. For it is in our works of art that we reveal to ourselves, and to others, the inner vision which guides us as a Nation. And where there is no vision, the people perish.
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Sophie recently had the opportunity to travel to Tallahasse with other College of the Arts students and faculty members to lobby state legislators for arts funding. This experience gave her insight as to how convoluted our political system is and, and made her realize that strong voices in support of the arts are still very much needed.
The cause closest to her heart right now is UF's need for a new music building. Our current facility is extremely impractical and unsafe. The efforts the university has made are appreciated, but the ony way to really fix the plethora of problems is the construction of a new building. Sophie is part of a team of music students and student senators to publicize the issue. If you would like updates on their progress, you can visit the UF Students for a new MUB facebook page (link to the left).