
- 20% of GDP

- 13.75% of Total Employment

- 65% of manufacturing output is produced by the private sector.

- Food processing and textiles account for bulk of Egypt's manufacturing value.


- Covers entire spectrum of cotton processing operations, including spinning, weaving, converting, knitting, dying, and garment manufacturing.

- The sector is growing at a rate of 6.5% annually.

- Contributes up to 23% of industrial exports and nearly half of total exports if oil is excluded.



Food Processing

- Big potential and rapid expansion.

- Sector has witnessed a series of privatizations which gave room to high paced development.

- Rising income levels among middle class Egyptians, changes in lifestyles and consumption patterns, and the growing numbers of Western style supermarkets have helped to develop this sector rapidly.

- This sector has the potential to become one of Egypt's leading export industries.


- Egypt is the largest producer and consumer of pharmaceuticals in the Middle East. It accounts for 30% of the supply of the MENA region.

- The Egyptian drug industry is mainly drug formulation rather than research based.

- The public sector's share of the market is 29%, while the private sector's share is 71%.

- This industry is expected to grow annually by 14% as a result of growth in drug consumption, increased government spending on healthcare, and increased foreign assistance.





Building Materials and Construction

- One of most dynamic sectors of economy

- Demand has been increasing since 1995 because of extensive private sector construction

- Demand is expected to increase further at an annual rate of 25% due to passing mortgage laws that make it easier for lower income to own property and because of the Toshka projects (construction of new airports)

- About 85% of construction material is manufactured locally due to the high price of importing from high tariff on construction materials (20%-40%)

-In 2003 WTO regulations will be enacted and this will not be the case




- One of Egypt's most active and profitable industries, demand is growing by 11% per annum due to the increase in population

- Current cement consumption is 27 million tons and total production is 27 million tons

- Supply is expected to exceed demand with new entrants in the market (will add 10 million tons per annum)

- Cost of cement remains one of lowest in the world because of the low cost of labor, location, and abundant raw materials




- Demand is expected to increase by 8% in the next 5 years

- Egypt constitutes 5.2% of world steel production and 6.5% of world consumption

-Relies heavily on re-bar sector (80% of market)

-Local demand for re-bar accounts for 4.5 million ton per annum, while production is only 3.6 million


- Grow at 8% over the next 5 years

- Once was heavily protected, now highly competitive and fragmented