- Agriculture's share of Egypt's nominal GDP accounted for 16% in 2000/2001

- The country's largest employer, contributing to 28% of the labor force and 20% of commodity exports

- Productivity gains since mid 1980's have increased grain and vegetable production and increased the size of cultivated and reclaimed land

- Even though Egypt is a large agriculture producer, they import large amounts of food; Egypt is the single largest overseas market for US wheat (5 million metric tons annually)

- Agricultural production rose at an average rate of 3.6% in the 1990's, which rose significantly from 2.6% in 1980's




Agricultural Crops:

- Egypt is the world's most important producer of long-staple cotton

- Other important crops are rice, tomatoes, and wheat

- Egypt hopes that the signing of EU Partnership Agreement and development of Toshka agricultural scheme will lead to a large increase in fruit and vegetable imports

- The Toshka scheme is a South Valley Development project that aims to irrigate 500,000 arcs of arable arid soil with water from Lake Nasser


- For the year 2000, there was 649,000 tons of fish caught

- Of that, 2,900 tons were exported

- The government is aiming to increase production by encouraging the use of inland lakes and waterways for intense aquaculture


- The livestock for 2000 totaled 6.2 million head

- Of that, 3.2 million were buffalo and 3 million were cattle

- Primary use of livestock is manufacturing dairy products; meat is secondary in importance

- Australia is Egypt's major supplier of live cattle