Web Resources: Art and Community

The following web sites were selected to serve as potential resources for students enrolled in ART 3807/ Expanded Contexts: Art and Community at The University of Florida. If you would like to submit a site to our list, please send the URL and a brief description to Craig Roland. The links have been grouped under the following headings: projects, exhibitions, organizations, artists, articles & journals, and more links.


aids memorial quilt
The AIDS Memorial Quilt is the largest on-going community arts project in the world. It was created to help bring an end to AIDS. Each of the over 41,000 colorful panels in the Quilt was made to remember the life of a person lost to AIDS. At this site, you can see the Quilt, learn more about its history, and find out how you can become involved.

bridge homepage
Holly Hughes and George MacLeod have been exploring the world by bicycle and boat since 1993. This website was set up to share their stories of adventure and making art from all sorts of materials with all kinds of people.

collected visions
"Drawing upon snapshots collected from over 300 people, Collected Visions examines how family photographs shape our memories." Visitors can submit their own family snapshots to the archive or use the existing images to create their own essay.

community design opportunities
"Community Design Opportunities" is an in effort to link students, architects, and designers, or for that matter, anyone who is interested in the development and design of their community, with local community-based efforts.

global collage
The originators of the Global Collage aspire to provide a public forum for exhibiting works by people who don't have the connections or funds to display their work through traditional means. Works sent in will be displayed on the Internet and projected on a public wall in San Francisco, California.

the kwanzaa playground
The Kwanzaa Playground is a community arts project in Columbus, Ohio which is designed to provide a family-centered space and to reinforce healing Africentric concepts. Visit the playground and learn about its history and development. School curriculum materials are also available.

nine mile run greenway project
This project brings together artists, scientists, engineers, historians and planners in an effort to address challenges and opportunities faced in tranforming an urban, industrial waste site into a sustainable environment.

one million pebbles
Billed as a handmade monument for the millennium, this unique public art project addresses notions of identity, ownership, value and accessibility. It aims to involve a large and diverse group of people in the creation of one million individual pieces that together will form a single gigantic artwork.

project row houses
This public art project involves artists in issues of neighborhood revitalization, historic preservation, community service, and youth education. The idea for the project originated in discussions among some of Houston's African-American artists who wanted to establish a positive creative presence in the black community.

through the eyes of a child
Through the Eyes of a Child brings together a dozen children with 12 professional photographers who served as mentors and guided them on a photographic journey through their neighborhoods..


uncommon sense
Uncommon Sense brings into the museum six extensive artists' projects billed as exploring "social interactions and art" that bridge what are still often considered the separate categories of performance, installation and community action.


arts and healing network
The Arts and Healing Network honors and supports the emergence of healing artists and recognizes them as essential catalysts for positive change.

art in the public interest
API is a nonprofit organization providing information about artists, organizations, projects and ideas that bring the arts together with community and social concerns. Their web site offers selected articles from issues of High Performance and an excellent collection of links to sites on the Web for anyone interested in the arts and social involvement.

A.R.T.I.S.T. is an advocacy group for street artists that is engaged in a lawsuit intended to protect every artists' right to create, display or sell their art on public property. The site contains information about their First Amendment case, a bibliography of articles on this issue and contact numbers.

In 1997, Ecotecture arose as an umbrella organization designed to promote the Community Enrichment Centre's objectives as well as to illuminate the phenomenon of meshing sustainable architecture/eco-community development with contemporary ecological art.

national endowment for the arts
The NEA web site offers a variety of resources on issues related to the role of the arts in the community as well as Endowment news.

national institute of arts and disabilities
The NIAD promotes creative expression, independence, dignity and community integration for people with developmental disabilities.

plugged in
This nonprofit organization brings technological resources to low-income youth and uses art as a catalyst to learning.


joseph beuys
Bueys was a pioneer in the use of art to promote community activism. A noted teacher and conceptual artist, Bueys considered debate and discussion to be a part of his expanded definition of art which also included making objects, installations, multiples, and performances. He spent his life exploring how art could play a wider role in society. Also see Beuys' work at the dia center for the arts and the 7000 Oaks project.

the guerrilla girls
The Guerrilla Girls are a group of women artists and arts professionals who have dubbed themselves "the conscience of the art world." They make and distribute posters about discrimination.

jenny holzer
Jenny Holzer forms words into verbal cliches that comment on the environment they have been placed into as well as the media used to convey her messages to a public audience. Her work often involves the use of electronic signboards.

tim rollins and kos
In the early 1980s, Rollins began working with a group of high school students from the South Bronz, NY who named themselves "Kids of Survival" or K.O.S. This collaboration has continued over the years and typically involves making art based on classical literature. The group has exhibited their work in international and national exhibitions. Also see Prometheus Bound, an online work at the Dia Center for the Arts.

mierle laderman ukeles
Since 1978, Mierle Ukeles has been artist-in-residence for the New York City Department of Sanitation. One of her bigger projects involved the Fresh Kills Landfill near New York City

krzysztof wodiczko
Krzysztof Wodiczko has taught at MIT since 1991 and is currently the Head of the new Interrogative Design Group at the Media Lab as well as a CAVS Fellow. See a photograph of his "homeless vehicle" (a project undertaken with the cooperation of homeless people).

articles and journals

ecological art perspectives and issues
Includes a general introduction and discussions of four orientations to ecological art--Environmental Design, Ecological Design, Social Restoration, and Ecological Restoration.

artists and the environment
A summary of two sessions devoted to art and environmental topics at the 81st College Art Association Conference in Seattle, WA in 1993.

more links

public art on the net
A comprehensive collection of links to of public art resources on the Internet.

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