Theological Compatibilism & Animation

A study of determinism and free-will in the animated creature

Thursday, February 17, 2005

The Outline

I've been working on the outline for the paper-portion of the thesis and...I'm on page six. Now, when the outline of a paper is six pages, what does that mean for the length of the final paper? I obviously am not having difficulty thinking of things to say (or even how to say them), but I am truly hoping that there is not a page limit. After several reviews I still doubt anything more can be removed.

Here's what I will call version one of the outline. I'm sure its length is due to the points I developed as notes for the actual writing, but it is still surprising. This does not include anything as far as a list of sources to be cited, appendices, or image pages; it only serves as a guide for the general text.


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