
My core training and work experience focused on spatial analysis, including GIS, remote sensing and marine spatial planning. These competencies are complemented by a solid knowledge in the application of decision-research (i.e., stakeholder decision and consensus-building processes) and social science theories applied to marine resource management and policy development.

I am proficient in spatial software such as ArcGIS and ENVI (used for remote sensing data analysis). I also have experience working with statistical software (i.e., R Core Team software, SPSS Statistics 24, MPLUS 7, GeoDa) in which I performed several analyses such as descriptive analyses, regressions analysis (i.e., linear and logistic analysis), structural equation models, mixed models, general additive models, among others.

These analyses have wide-ranging applications for the field of natural resource management, for instance, I modeled the distribution of recreational vessels using external variables (i.e., sea surface temperature, chlorophyl concentrations, distance to the nearest inlet, presence of artificial reefs, latitude, and longitude) in the southeast region of the USA to guide management interventions.

In the past, I made use of other analytical software such as Program MARK to estimate recreational boaters’ relative population size in the Northeast Florida region. In addition, my experience in social science allowed me to become skillful in software such as Qualtrics, SPSS Amos graphics, and MPLUS 7. As an editor of the Fisheries and Aquatic Science Program newsletter, I gained experience working with publishing software such as publisher and photoshop. Furthermore, I am also very familiar with software from Microsoft Office (excel, access, word, power point) and Adobe.