The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens.



Whether people know it or not all of humanity has a common link. However different we may be from one another nothing can change our common heritage. But throughout the course of history because of various reasons the human family separated not only physically but also socially and spiritually. Certain regions of the world clung to traditions while others desired change. Some societies respected nature while others destroyed it And after many long centuries the most contrasting cultures came face to face for the first time.

The clash that occurred between the cultures was a result of one group feeling superior over the other. Although the Europeans, for example, were superior in terms of science, architecture and war, perhaps they lacked other qualities of even greater importance. The spiritual element of man was neglected. The native americans, African tribes, and the aborigines of Australia all faced european powers coming into their land to dominate. In each case the native peoples of each region were victimized... (to be continued)