Project 2 Intro Page
To begin, Al Gore's 'An Inconvenient Truth' serves as a model for Project 2.
It balances exposition, narrative, and argument to simultaneously inform,
entertain, and also advance a particular point of view. All this is done without
becoming too much of a standard documentary or research project.
At the same time, Gore's personal history is presented, linking him to the issue
of global warming.
Thus, I believe this balance relates to Project 2 in that it requires exposition,
narrative and argument itself. It relates back to us via the link to our mystories
the same way Gore brings personal life into 'An Inconvenient Truth.'
In order to support our Policy selection as well as the image category that results,
personal details are essential. This way, our presentation becomes less of a
documentary too. That is, they will resemble Cornell's collages/boxes rather
than a standard college research paper. Furthermore, looking at nature only
reveals something about ourselves [Berger]. Gore's emblem of ups and downs
links directly to the pattern of global warming he relays.
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