My Public Policy

Sea Turtles
First and foremost, all species of sea turtles are listed as threatened or endangered. For me though, the most prominent threat to these animals has to do with their eggs, left on the beach. Throughout Florida, notices like the one here have been posted on almost every beach. Furthermore, turtles have always been a favorite animal of my family.

This of course links this issue to my mystory. To expand, our family trip to Hawaii was an important part of my project. I believe it was here our love of turtles came to a head. We got up close and personal many times [below], then left with iron depictions of the animals for our house. In addition, we have 4 pet pond turtles there as well.

In addition, my family loves aquariums. Here, sea turles have been rescued and care for. Some examples are the Mote Marine Lab in Sarasota, The Clearwater Marine Aquarium and The Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. We have been to all of these. The Maui Ocean Center in Hawaii rescues as well [below]. Texas, Mexio and California have protection as does the Philippines, making this international. Furthermore, sea turtles have survived more than 110 million years of evolution and geological change. This makes them our elders in need of respect.

nest (15K) turtle8 (695K) rescue (672K)