My Fanbase: 'The 10th Man'

AuntEileen (294K) In baseball, the fans are referred to as the '10th man' and can contribute to the game through total love and support. My extended family functions alot like this.

My mom's side is small, but important, including my grandma, uncle and cousins. On the other side, my dad's family is quite exteneded. My great aunt and cousins even live literally right across the street from each other. I love visiting all of them, whether in South Florida or San Diego. I think the importance of each branch of family comes from my parents as well-- they've been responsible for keeping in touch with everyone. Now in college, I continue that tradition by sharing my experiences with them.

This image was also from the Hawaii trip. It was taken for my great aunt because she decorated my bat mitzvah party.
This furthers how my extended family also plays a huge role in lifecycle events and even shows up on vacations!
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