
Sports has always been a big part of my family [as you may have noticed]. As discussed in my career discourse, my parents are mainly responsible for my love of sports. At a young age participation on teams has been encouraged for my brother and I. Furthermore, we've attended many games as a family. Thats why, in my mind, sports is also linked to family and even a bonding experience. They say sporting events are family friendly!

The love seems to extend to my extended family as well. My cousins play so many sports, we receive tons of those trading card inspired photos. Oftentimes we can't keep up and the pictures are a way of knowing what they're into. In addition, the Rays have become much more of a family mattern then just the 4 of us attending a game. Our cousin is a trainer for the team this season. They came to Tampa from Cleveland when he moved from the Indians to the Rays. I think we're only releated by marriage, but we accepted them as cousins. This was most likely due to not having any family in Tampa. Now we've extended our family further.

Below is a picture of us at a game!

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