My Institutional Map
packedbus (513K)
What are the institutional requirements? I'm guessing one should complete begining education-- elementary and middle school first. Then excell in high school and continue outstanding grades in college within the sport management major. Maybe finish out your education with law school? Or purhaps the graduate program for sport management.

For me, the love of sports was continued into school via P.E. First there were foursquare and kickball tournaments in elementary school. Then came middle school, where P.E. was honestly my favorite class. Not only did we participate in all kinds of sports, but for each one we re-created the professional world. For example, the class was divided into NFL teams to complete a regular season, playoffs and eventually a mock Super Bowl [in which my team, the Panthers, competed]. That was the life.

Yet, once I got to high school, the focus shifted to grades. As a student in the I.B. program, its was all school all the time, leaving me more a fan to my favorite sports then ever. Friday nights were defined by football domination and hip hop halftime shows. I still found myself in the Swamp for almost every home game though. There are many things I will remember about high school, but one thing that sticks is riding 2 buses both ways. I guess it was because of choosing a school outside my neighborhood. I had ridden the school bus before, but it was nothing like the happy go lucky version of elementary and middle school.

That brings me to the selection of this pages photo, though the riders seem happy, they are actually packed into that bus!

So here I am in college, at UF, the only place I've ever pictured myself attending. This part of the institutional journey is thus incomplete... to be continued.

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