Most Beneficial Thing in EME2040
The most beneficial thing I take from this course is the new skills I learned in using Photoshop.
Being a creative person, I found Photoshop to be very fun. It was a challenge in learning on how
work with this new program I have heard a lot about, but had never seen. I made time to learn about
the tools I needed to complete my Photoshop assignment, and it was really fun and time flew by,
without me even noticing. Even though I am not a "Photoshop PRO", I am going to give it a chance
and continue learning more about the tools and tricks to create masterpieces. There are many
readings I discovered that help in learning new tricks in creating projects. These tutorials, really
help, as well as teach you great technological tricks that you could take with you for the future. As a
future teacher, creativity is my middle name. Photoshop could help me in creating amazing projects
for the classroom and children. As a, hopefully, Kindergarten teacher, visuals is the key to their learning.
Least Beneficial Thing in EME2040
One of the least beneficial things of this course was that it was only held once a week. I feel that the
understanding and learning of new technological tools is very important, becuase technology is our
future. I sometimes forget about assignment that were due in the course due to the fact that the class
was only once a week, for 50 minutes. In perspective to a technological tool that I learned, I found that Visual
Literacy wasn't as important to have dedicated so much time to because it is a concept that is common
knowledge to everyone. The other projects were things that I didn't know about and benefited me more
as a new learning experience.
Websites I Will Take With Me
I found this website to be a great Social Bookmarking site that contians many website beneficial for many projects
that I will come across with in the rest of my college years. Also, as a future elementary school teacher, this site
will be great in learning new lesson plans and creative ways in teaching my class.
This site will be a great learning source for the grade level I will hopefully one day teach, K-3rd grade. This is a
fun way in teaching students about grammar, vocabulary, and reading.
How To Master Photoshop In Just One Week
I will take with me this tutorial to help me in the future on many more Photoshop projects. I will continue my learning
in Photoshop, which will benefit me in the classroom in creating many projects for the students, as well as a personal hobbie.
Example of My Work:

This is an example of a work that I did in EME2040. I came into this course with no idea on how to work with a Mac and neither
Photoshop. I spent one day, for about 6 hours infront of a computer until I created this final product. Photoshop is something that takes
years to master, because there are so many tools and tricks that will create you masterpieces. I attempted to conquer my fears of Photoshop
and learned on my one to alter the clowns face and adding it to a completely new altered background. Also, I played around and created a new
text for the flyer as well as topped it off with lens flare, which created demension. This was a great project and creative work that I recommend to
anyone who has never had experience with Photoshop, I hope you enjoy it!

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Melissa Illance
Last Modified: January 20, 2009