EME 2040 Lab Index Page

Presentations | Concept Map | Excel | Images | Web Pages | iMovie


    • This presentation is about the three learning theories: Behaviorism, Constructivism, & Cognitivism. It also includes videos and other pertinent information about each theory. Click here to see my presentation.

Concept Map

    • This concept map is about the the flow of Educational Technology from Literacy, Productivity, and Instructional resources and the specific technological options a teacher has available to them. Click here to see my concept map.
  • Concept Map Project - Partner: Corinne Boulos
    • My Concept Map - This is the draft that I completed. It was a really fun project to complete.
    • Group Concept Map - This is the combination of both of our works. The concept map is much bigger than the one I created. It is also more comprehensive.



Comments will go here

Web Pages

    • Click here to see my first Photoshop graphic. I put some ovals around some different types of shoes.
  • Photoshop Project II
    • Click here to see my second Photoshop graphic. It discusses the changes in television and radio from analog to digital broadcasts and high definition.
  • WebQuest Practice
    • Click here to see my practice attempt at a WebQuest for Educational Technology. It is very informative.
  • WebQuest Final
    • Click here to my WebQuest about Teaching Teamwork & Citizenship Through Sports. This discusses a learning lesson for students about how sports is integral to teamwork and citizenship.


  • iMovie Practice Video
    • Click here to see my practice video that shows some pictures from the 2006 NCAA Final Four in Indianapolis, IN.
  • iMovie Project
    • Click here to see my final iMovie project that tells the story of how the 2005-2006 Florida Gators won the NCAA National Basketball championship. It starts from SEC tournament in Nashville, TN and ends with the Championship Game in Indianapolis, IN.
Matt Pendleton
Last Updated: 4/25/2006