Teaching Teamwork & Citizenship Through Sports

Introduction | Task | Resources | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Copyright


The principle and concept of teamwork is one of high importance. In many instances in one's life, teamwork plays a huge role in completing tasks, handling problems, and becoming a citizen of one's community. Sports is the main outlet for teaching teamwork.


To identify, list, and compile the current methods of learning teamwork and citizenship.


ABW ABW - Athletes for a Better World - The mission of Athletes for a Better World (ABW) is to use sports to develop character, teamwork, and citizenship through commitment to an athletic Code for Living that applies to life, and to create a movement that will play a significant role in the transformation of individuals, sports, and society.
NASPE NASPE - National Association for Sport & Physical Education - The National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) is a nonprofit professional organization comprised of individuals engaged in the study of human movement and the delivery of sport and physical activity programs. Through its members as well as corporate and public partnerships, NASPE develops and supports quality sport and physical activity programs that promote healthy behaviors and individual well-being. Educating the American public about the importance of physical education for all children and youth is a primary focus.
CTSA CTSA - Citizenship Through Sports Association - The Citizenship Through Sports Alliance is the largest coalition of professional and amateur athletics organizations in the United States, focused on character in sport. CTSA promotes fair play at all levels - youth leagues to professional sport - to reinforce the value of sport as a test of character.


  1. Visit and explore the web sites listed.
  2. List the methods of teaching teamwork and citizenship.
  3. List any training camps or events that each organization may provide to educators.
  4. List the main areas of research.
  5. Compare and contrast your findings.
  6. Write a three page-essay about your findings.


  1. The student listed at least two information sources from each organization.
  2. The student listed at least one event or training camp hosted or conducted by each organization.
  3. The student wrote a page comparing all of the organizations, their methods, and training camps and instructional events..


You have visited and explored three organization web sites that deal with teamwork and citizenship. Teamwork and citizenship are vital principles that can shape your life. Teamwork is used everyday to complete tasks. Becoming a better citizen is vital to that community's survival. Other organizations like the NCAA and the FHSAA also believe heavily in these goals. You can find more about these organizations by visiting their websites.

Copyright Information

All original images contained herein are copyright of Matt Pendleton. The ABW logo, NASPE logo, and CTSA logo are copyrighted trademarks of their respective organizations. More information can be found within each organization's website.


By Matt Pendleton
Email me
Last Updated: April 12, 2006