Synopsis and Review
"Phone" follows a reporter named Ji-won, who, at the start of the film, has published an article about a sex scandal. Her editor, Ho-jeong, advises her to keep a low profile, and Ji-won purchases a cell phone with an unregistered number. She also begins to live in the editor's family's vacant house.
Following the publishing, Ji-won begins to receive strange phone calls. She ignores them until the Ho-jeong's daughter, Yeong-ju, picks up her cell phone and begins to scream.
After this incident, Ji-won began to investigated her phone number. She soon finds out that all previous owners of the number had died.
Yeong-ju begins to act very bizarre. She appears to be infactuated with her father and seems to hate her mother. In the meantime, Ji-won continues to investigate the cell phone.
Strange occurrances begin to happen in the unused home. Ji-won continues to hear a piano playing "The Moonlight Sonata" from inside the house, and a teenage ghost begins appearing to her. It is later revealed that the ghost is playing the piano.
Ji-won discovers that her number first belonged to a teenage girl named Jin-hie who went missing. Her friends tell Ji-won that she was involved with a man but would not reveal his identity.
Through more investigation, Ji-won learns that Jin-hie had been having an affair with the editor's husband, Chang-hoon. They had slept together, and she was four-weeks pregnant.
Ji-won then believes that Chang-hoon must have killed his mistress. However, she suddenly finds him dead and realizes the editor is responsible for the murders.
A flashback reveals that Ho-jeong tricked Jin-hie into meeting her by posing as Chang-hoon. The women begin to argue, and it ends in Jin-hie's death. Ho-jeong then hid the girl's body inside a wall. It is also revealed that Jin-hie had been possessing Yeong-ju's body, which explains why she was acting romantic towards her father.
As Ji-won realizes what occurred, Ho-jeong enters the room ready to burn her and the corpse. However, Jin-hie's body comes to life and kills the editor.
I really enjoyed this movie because I did not see the ending coming. I thought the film was well done, and it was very visually appealing. Furthermore, See-woo, who plays the editor's daughter, was amazing. Just seeing that little girl act sealed the deal for me. I highly recommend this movie.
I rate this film 4/5.