My chosen major is Journalism with a specialization in print news editing.
As a journalist, ethics are very important. My job will to be to
report and edit the news in a timely manner, but I can never lose sight of
the fact that every story must be honest and factual.
I think every story must have at least two to three sources, and
in many cases, this is required by law.
In one of my college journalism courses, we lost 50 points for every typing
error, fact mistake, or spelling error. Therefore, I have learned quickly
how to go back and always check over every detail of a story.
My philosophy, as a journalist, is to be consistent, factual, and timely
in my news articles. Journalist aren't given jobs just to get paid
or write whatever we want. It is my duty to serve as an unbiased party
in every news event I cover.