A sandwich can get pretty monotonous, which is why I've come up some ways to make it more than just two pieces of bread with a filling.

The Bread

And why it's important

Epicure Market - How to make a great sandwich from Katherine Kallergis on Vimeo.

The Grilled Cheese Sandwich

With a twist

Sometimes, there's nothing better than a simple grilled cheese sandwich: white bread, butter and cheese. For this one, I added blueberry jam. It sweetens the sandwich a bit, but also doesn't stray too far from the traditional.

1. Heat the butter in a pan on medium-high heat. Let the butter begin to bubble. Meanwhile, assemble the sandwich: a layer of jam and a layer of cheese.

Step 1 Step 2

2. Add the sandwich to the pan. Flip when the bread has begun to brown. Remove from heat and cut in half.

Step 3 Step 4

The Breakfast Sandwich

This is made with scrambled eggs and bacon held between two pieces of French toast dipped in frosted flakes. The inspiration for this comes from a Brioche French toast I had as a child at the Grand Bay Hotel in Coconut Grove, Fla. made by chef Pascal Oudin.

1. First, mix two eggs with a splash of milk (per serving) and a pinch of salt for the batter.

2. Then, dip the bread of your choice, in this case a white Italian loaf, and then immediately dip that into frosted flakes. Coat on both sides.

Step 1 Step 2

3. Heat a pan on medium heat with 1/2 a tablespoon of butter and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Once that starts to bubble, add two pieces (per serving) of flake-coated bread. Flip when golden brown, about 4 minutes.

4. While cooking the French toast, start the bacon (either on the stove or in the microwave). This can be done ahead of time.

Step 3 Step 4

5. Once the French toast and bacon is done, scramble eggs (1-2 per serving) and assemble the sandwiches. Serve with maple syrup.

Step 5 Step 6

© Katherine Kallergis 2013