SEM Images |
is SEM??:
SEM stands
for Scanning Electron Microscopy. I will not go into detail on how it works
but if you would like to learn more then please visit this
link. SEMs show very detailed 3D images at much higher magnification than
is possible with a light microscope, which makes it really interesting. I took
an SEM course Fall 2005 at UF where we were instructed to bring our own unique
samples to view on the instrument and practice workin with the instrument. And
since I like spiders a lot, i decided to make this page.
There are a series
of steps must be followed when preparing a sample to be analyzed under the electron
microscope. Because of this, some artifact, or error, was introduced to the
- In order to dehydrate the spider without damaging its surface the spider
was placed in a 95% ethanol solution in a container which was about 100x the
volume of the spider. SEM is under high vacuum and if there is any water (which
is an issue for all biological samples) the vacuum will break down.
- The spider was then placed on a piece of double sided sticky carbon tape
that was placed on an aluminum stub that will be placed in the instrument.
I wanted to get a good shot of the Spiders head and eyes so I ended up having
to section him, which was rather easy since the spider i basically two segments:
a scary head and a huge ass. Bellow is an optical image of the spider after
it was mounted.
- The last step involved coating the spider using gold-palladium
sputter coater in order to ensure that the sample is thermally & electrically
conductive. Without thermal conductivity I would melt my spider, without electric
conductivity charge would build in my spider and I wouldn't be able to get
a good image since the electrons from the beam would start to bounce of the
spider and hit the walls inside the SEM chamber and such. The coating is the
only step I did not do myself so the handy technicians at MAIC
at the University of Florida did it.
- Finally the images could be run on a SEM
Images: (click to enlarge)
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