Research Assistant
Industrial and Systems
Engineering, University of Florida
- Improve current convexification methods and investigate the
generation of strong cuts for non-convex optimization problems using integer programming techniques
- Advisors: Dr. Jean-Philippe
P. Richard and Dr.
Mohit Tawarmalani
- Funded by National Science Foundation
to Present |
Research Assistant
Rosen Center for Advanced Computing, Information Technology at Purdue, Purdue
- Participated in the project, Nanotechnology Middleware Integration
- Supervisors: Dr. Sebastian Goasguen and Dr. Krishna Madhaven
- Funded by National Science Foundation
Jan. 2005 to Dec. 2006 |
Researcher | Center for Advanced Software Engineering, Samsung SDS
| Oct. 2001 to Jul. 2004 |
Researcher | Information Technology R&D Center, Samsung SDS
- Designed and implemented intelligent mobile agent systems using Java technology
| Apr. 2000 to Sep. 2001 |
Research Assistant
Industrial Engineering, Seoul National Univesity
- Participated in the project, Study on designing and planning method for BISDN
- Advisors: Dr.
Chung, Sung-Jin and Dr. Hong, Sung-Pil
- Funded by Korea Telecom Inc.
Mar.1997 to Feb.
1999 |