Step 10: Stuffing the Head & Creating a Mouth

Turn your monster right-side-out.

It's tough to get the mouth just the way you want it, but oftentimes the accidental facial expression you give your monster is the key to its personality. So, here, I'd say there are no rules. Just take the heel part of the sock and shape it however you'd like. Pin it. Sew it. Be sure you don't accidentally sew the lips to the back of the monster's head. (That's why it's sometimes best to stuff the head first, but stuffing can make sewing trickier.)

Take a small handful of fiberfill stuffing (it pulls apart like cotton candy) and gently stuff the head of the sockmonster. You'll be able to determine how full you want the monster to be. If you feel you've overstuffed, pull it out and start again.

Note: Since this part of the sockmonster cannot be sewed inside-out, try to make your stitching discreet. Start under the bottom lip and try to keep your knots neat.

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