· 2000-2001: FCAT Certificate of Achievement, Grade 10: Mathematics-Outstanding Performance
· 2000-2001: Academic Achievement, 10th Grade (4.0-4.19 GPA) Medal
· 2001-2002: Principal’s Awards, 11th Grade (4.2 GPA and above) Letter
· 2002-2003: Magna cum Laude graduation honors (4.35-4.49 GPA)
· 2003: Certificate of Appreciation Lincoln High School: Dreamers and Doers Award (in appreciation for your extraordinary character, service, and idealism)
· 2003: AP Scholar Award (complete three or more Advanced Placement Examinations with a three or higher)
· 2003: President’s Education Awards Program: Outstanding Academic Excellence
· 2003: UF President’s Honor Roll (having achieved a perfect 4.0 GPA for the Fall 2003 semester)
Kallie Brynn's Resume
Education :: Academic Honors :: Artistic Awards :: Work Experience
Volunteer Experience :: Leadership Positions :: Extra Curriculars
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