Teen Health Center
The Teen Health Center operates at both health department locations in Hendry County. The purpose of the program is to provide a holistic approach to reduce teen pregnancy by addressing many aspects of a teen's life. The centers provide health education, counseling, medical services, tutoring and limited sports activities, in each location, one day a week to teens ages 12 - 19. The centers are open after school until 6:00 P.M. to assure that teens have access to services. The teens have a separate entrance, limited forms to complete, receive a healthy snack and are encouraged to participate in activities. There is no charge for any of the services (immunizations, family planning, etc.) to ensure they return when appropriate. A tickler recall system is maintained for compliance of medical services.
What you can find at the Teen Health Center:
Tutoring is one of our many services that are provided by the Teen Health Center. Our tutor provides excellent help to teens who are having difficulty in a particular subject in school or just want to enhance his or her learning.
Health Education
Each week at Teen Health Center we provide a new topic for discussion. After the lesson, together as a team, teens share their thoughts to help each other play trivia games.
Medical Services
At Teen Center we provide medical services that are in a completely confidential setting. There is no need for appointments.
Counseling is provided to teens that need someone to talk to about his or her problems or just want to talk.