HCHD Early Intervention Services (E.I.S.) Clinics
Hours of Operation

To make an appointment:
In LaBelle call:(863) 674-4041
1140 Pratt Boulevard
LaBelle, Florida 33975
In Clewiston call: (863) 983-1408
1100 South Olympia Ave.
Clewiston, FL 33440
*On the 3rd Thursday of each month clinic hours are from 11:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., however anyone wishing to see the doctor after 3:30 p.m. must make an appointment.
Clinic Visits
Patients should visit the clinic every three months, or more frequently if needed. If you are not in compliance with your clinic visits we will be reminding you by letter, telephone or home visits. If a scheduled appointment is missed you will be contacted and told to reschedule the appointment.
Clinic Appointments & Schedule
It is very helpful to our clinic personnel, and reduces your waiting time, when you schedule your appointments. You should schedule an appointment anytime you need to be seen for any reason, including lab work or picking up your medication. Please, please notify us if you cannot keep an appointment. We do see people who walk in, if necessary, but they may have to wait for an extended period of time. It is important to remember that in LaBelle blood samples must be drawn before 3:30 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Blood samples in Clewiston must be drawn on Tuesdays prior to 3:30 pm.
Dr. Jeffrey A. Beal is our HIV Specialist Physician and has more than 15 years of experience in treating HIV disease. If your condition requires specialized treatment in other fields of specialization, Dr. Beal will make those referrals.
When the health department is closed (weekends, holidays, or after 5:00 PM) you can leave a message for Kelly Fowler, RN at extension 101. If you have an emergency, go to the nearest hospital emergency room (Hendry Regional in Clewiston). Otherwise, you will be seen by a clinician on the next working day. NOTE: If you are a MediPass patient call the 24 hour service number provided on the health department greeting message.
Early Intervention Services (E.I.S.)
(Clinic)Routine blood testing that includes CD4 counts and viral loads are provided at the clinic. Patients are seen in a timely manner to assure that their presenting illness is treated quickly. Immunizations for Hepatitis A and B, Pneumovax, and influenza are provided. PAP smears for women are recommended yearly and tuberculosis testing is recommended for all clients. You will be provided with a Health Service Card that must be filled out yearly to insure that you are in compliance with these requirements. It is your responsibility to see that this card is properly filled out. We ask that you schedule a comprehensive physical examination with the physician each year around the time of your birthday. This is your opportunity to be sure that you receive all of the services that we believe are important to maintain the wellness and quality of life you deserve. If you do not already have a Case Manager you will be referred for case management services.
It is our hope that by providing an early diagnosis of HIV, preventive medications, and education, we can keep patients from progressing to a diagnosis of AIDS. An AIDS diagnosis depends upon a T-Cell count below 200, a T-Cell percentage below 14%, or a major opportunistic infection and/or cancer that is AIDS related. In Florida, persons with an AIDS diagnosis may be eligible for Medicaid and other services.