Immunizations are offered at the Hendry County Health Department Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM and from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Immunizations are free for infants and children age 6 weeks – 18 years. Limited adult immunizations are given for a fee. Teen Health Center offers free immunizations to teens one day a week at each site during afternoon and evening hours.
As needed, outreach immunization clinics are done in the schools and daycares. Outreach is also done at various health fairs throughout the year. Influenza and pneumococcal vaccines are offered to area schools and community agencies.
The immunization program and the WIC program partner together to increase immunization coverage levels in Hendry and Glades Counties. The WIC office assesses the immunization status of WIC participants and refers to the health department. The Department of Children and Families also partners with the immunization program by requiring participants to show proof of up-to-date immunizations in order to receive certain benefits. Kiwanis Club of LaBelle has supported immunizations in Hendry County by giving time, space and incentives.
Kindergarten and seventh grade immunization levels have steadily increased over the past few years. Hendry County has shown an improvement. In the past year the immunization program implemented computerized vaccine inventory and accountability. An immunization tickler recall system is in place to increase immunization levels of two year olds and alert parents to new immunization requirements.