I wore open-toe shoes before they were fashionable. I pay all my bills on time. I was the ninth caller and narrowly missed the grand prize. I take the window seat and prefer the wind in my face. If forced to choose, I would be an orca or a snow leopard.

I am an urban planner, a campaign advisor, a marketing whiz, a crisis counselor, and a technology guru. Given the chance, I would have stolen fire from the gods. I've erected walls, patched roofs, and mowed thousands of acres of grass. I am an abstract artist and a concrete analyst. I once read 'The Brother's Karamazov' in under a week and my great-grandmother loves when I visit.

I discovered three previously unknown orchids in a summer thunderstorm. I crossed the straight of Gibraltar and climbed out of the Black Canyon. I once figured out the meaning of life, but forgot to write it down. I can eat a dozen eggs.

I prefer "ologys" to "isms" and in a few more years I should be able to think like a fish. I can tie several useful knots and prefer the enhanced mobility offered by traditional briefs. I broke my neck, but have avoided the plague. I have successfully integrated spinach into most American cuisine and can provide splendid interpretations of life.



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affirmative credo