Change a shirt into...

change a shirt to pant change a shirt to one-piece change a shirt to skirt


  1. Turn the shirt upside-down and put your legs into the sleeves.
  2. Grab the collar and the bottom of the shirt.
  3. Use an elastic band or a clip to pin them together. You can crinkle the fabric to make ruffles.

A dress

  1. Use two clips to pin up the sleeves and make the shoulders look like they are filled with shoulder pads.
  2. Use a belt to tie around your waist.
  3. Use a butterfly tie to cover the logo and put on leggings for an accessory.

A skirt

  1. Pull the neckline up to your waist.
  2. Raise the hem and fold it up toward you.
  3. Tie a belt around your waist and pull out one-third of the hem as the skirt's flare.
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