Internet Safety Plan

Student Responsibilities

  • Always follow the school's acceptable use policy.
  • Stay on task when using the Internet.
  • Only access sites relevant to the current research topic. When in doubt, refer to my database of acceptable sites, and being your search with .edu, .gov, and .org sites.
  • Always restate any research collected in your own words to avoid plagiarism. Keep a list of sites used for bibliographic purposes.
  • Ask yourself, "Is this a reliable site for research? Where did the information come from?" Report any inaccurate material or unreliable sources so other students can avoid using them as well.
  • Report any inappropriate sites immediately. Raise your hand and I will assist you as soon as I can. DO NOT disrupt the class or create a scene if inappropriate sites come up; send them to the taskbar until I can assist you.
  • NO IM or chat rooms. Limited email use with my permission if ALL tasks are complete.
  • For safety issues, DO NOT provide any personal information such as students' last names, phone numbers, addresses, or personal emails.
  • Do not download any information to the network without permission.
  • Do not attempt to hack into the network or tamper with another student's work.
  • For further information on acceptable Internet use, refer to

Teacher Responsibilities

  • Compile a database of safe and reliable sources and preview all sites listed on the database.
  • Be present to monitor all classroom Internet use.
  • Keep parents informed about Internet projects through notes, emails and updates on my homepage.
  • Set an example of appropriate use in the classroom.
  • Inform students of the benefits and risks of Internet use.
  • Provide alternate assignments for students who do not have permission to access the Internet.
  • Report all problems to the administration and use appropriate disciplinary actions.

Parent Responsibilities

Disciplinary Actions

  • 1st offense - Warning
  • 2nd offense - Loss of Internet use for remainder of assignment or for the next assignment if the assignment is for one day only.
  • 3rd offense - Administration notified. Loss of Internet use up to the remainder of the year where appropriate

