The following is a version of the letter sent home to parents in early August:

Dear Parent:

When used correctly, the Internet can be a powerful research tool for both students and teachers. Students have access to a wealth of free, current information, and at the same time have the chance to improve their computer literacy skills. In the area of English, students can access literary criticism, authors' home pages, and collect history and background information related to a novel. Often, information from online educational sources is more up to date than hardcopy journals.

In my class, students will also create a class Website. The site, created and maintained by students, will contain classroom news, current events issues students find interesting, a class notes page, book summaries and reviews, and a biography page featuring the students in our class. Obviously, no last names or personal information will be provided. Through this project, students will feel pride at a sense of accomplishment, and parents and friends will have a site they can refer to for information on what is happening in my classroom. For more information on the project, visit my Language Arts Class Web Project site.

While the Internet can be a wealth of information when used correctly, there are risks associated with its use. In the course of their research, students could come across inappropriate or offensive material. They may also find inaccurate information relating to their topic of study from an unreliable source. With English, plagiarism is also a large concern, with the temptation for students to copy and paste chunks of information or download entire research papers of databases.

Included are a list of rules I expect students to follow when using the Internet in my classroom. I have also included steps I will take as their teacher to ensure the Internet is being used safely and effectively and that you, the parent, are informed of all Internet activities. If you have any further concerns, please feel free to contact me.


Your child must return this form to be eligible to participate in the Class Web Project. If permission is not given, the student will complete the hardcopy portions of assignments and use lab dates for quiet study.

___ "I have read and promise to abide by the Internet Safety Plan at all times"

Student Signature: _______________________ Print Name: _____________________

___ "I give my child permission to participate in this year's Class Web Project

___ "I give my permission for my child's biography and/or picture to appear on the Web Project" (no last names or personal addresses will EVER be used)

Parent Signature: _______________________ Print Name: _____________________
