The Process
  1. Students will be randomly divided into groups of 4-5. Each group wil have a Project Manager, Editing Manager, Corresponding Manager, Secretary and Web Editor. These jobs wil rotate monthly. You only have a few responsibilities with these jobs, but make sure you do them. For more information, check the Group Jobs page.
  2. Each group will pick a group name.
  3. Groups will make a list of 10 group rules. These will be posted by the computer. These rules can change if needed.
  4. Each group will be assigned to a category that will rotate monthly. The categories are News, Current Events, Class Notes, People, and Entertainment. For more information on each catetory, check the Requirements page.
  5. All group members must:
    Write at least 1 article/list per Web Week
    Proofread 2 group member articles per Web Week
    Write 1 take-home evaluation per month
    Perform their assigned job duties
  6. On the first Monday of every month, beginning in January, I will rotate Group Categories. We will spend time talking about any problems we have had and your groups will have time to divide up work and go over rules.
  7. During Web Weeks we will follow the Weekly Rotation.
    It is helpful if group members save any work they type at home on a disk and bring that disk to class every day. You never know when you will need to change something.
  8. Groups in the Planning stage should be working on story ideas and planning notes for their conference with me. You can ALWAYS start writing.
  9. Groups Conferencing with me will discuss what your plans are and any problems. Notes will help this go smoothly.
  10. Groups Planning and Writing should use my advice from conferences and be gathering information or writing. I will write passes to the library for this group only on Web Weeks.
  11. Editing/Copy Due groups have until the end of the period to submit typed drafts checked by 2 people to me. It helps if you have finished these drafts at home.
  12. Lab groups should make corrections to stories on their disks if necessary and update their pages from these stories.

    ***I realize this is not a perfect world, nor is this a perfect rotation schedule. This is a work in progress. As long as you use Web Week days productively, I can find time at the end of other class days for catching up or getting ahead!
