Minimum Requirements

Current Events
Class Notes

News: What's happening in our class?
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  • 2 upcoming events feature stories (2 paragraphs each)
  • 2 in-class accomplishment feature stories. Can feature a student, a group, or a class accomplishment (2 paragraphs each)
  • A list of important dates and upcoming events for the current week and the following week. Double check the dates already up. This includes tests, projects, forms due, field trips, assemblies, and school holidays (Check with me for exact dates and to make sure you have everything)
  • Reply to any emails received since the section was last updated (Blind carbon copy a reply to me for credit)

Current Events: What's happening in the world?
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  • 1 article of FCAT or Seminole County School Board News. Check their Web site or ask your teacher! If your source is a web story, include a link to the full story. If not, cite the newspaper it came from. (2 paragraphs)
  • 1 current U.S. event, based on the class list of acceptable topics. If your source is a web story, include a link to the full story. If not, cite the newspaper it came from. (2 paragraphs)
  • 1 article related to English. Examples include an author visiting town, a book on the bestseller list, something in the news about an old classic, etc. If your source is a web story, include a link to the full story. If not, cite the newspaper it came from. (2 paragraphs)
  • Upcoming cultural events. Give details including place, time, ticket information, and why it sounds interesting. If the event has a web site, include it (At least 3 events, 1-2 sentences each)
  • 1 article of choice (FCAT, U.S event, English) OR Interview a community member of interest (a veteran, a parent who has an interesting job - clear it with me first) (2-3 paragraphs)
  • Reply to any emails received since the section was last updated (Blind carbon copy a reply to me for credit)

Class Notes: What we are learning (And we ARE learning!)
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  • 2 different summaries of things we are learning. This can include grammar, writing skills, FCAT tips, etc, but NOT a novel. Can be in outline for or summary paragraphs, but must be ORGANIZED. Include the date(s) we covered it.
  • List of weekly homework, including date assigned, the assignment, and the date due, plus a short (2-3 sentences) description. Phone number for homework hotline if there is one. (See me for dates and assignments)
  • List of weekly vocabulary or spelling words. (NOT defined)
  • At least 3 helpful research links pertaining to what we are learning (remember our discussions about reliable sources)
  • Add at least 3 study tips OR stress relief tips to the top of our ongoing list
  • Reply to any emails received since the section was last updated (Blind carbon copy a reply to me for credit)

People: Everyone has a story!
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  • 3 student biographies (see me for who to interview), including information from the class biography questions. Pictures are optional. Remember our discussion on Internet safety - NO last names, addresses, or other identification information! (3 paragraphs each)
  • 2 outstanding accomplishments outside of school. Can feature a student or a group of students. Examples are sports or hobbies, a sibling born, a new pet, etc. (2 paragraphs each)
  • Class birthdays (see me for names)
  • Reply to any emails received since the section was last updated (Blind carbon copy a reply to me for credit)

Entertainment: Because English is FUN too!
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  • 2 summaries of stories we have read in class. Include plot, themes, symbols, main characters, class reactions. (3 paragraphs)
  • 1 review of a story we have read in class. Include a short summary. Did you like or dislike the story? Why? (3 paragraphs)
  • 1 recommendation of a leisure book. Give a short summary. Is it part of a series? Who wrote it? Give a short review. Why did you like it and why should we read it? (3 paragraphs)
  • Poetry corner (write your own OR see me about organizing a contest or analyzing a poem or poet - see me early because these other ideas take time)
  • Weekly trivia/Game
  • Reply to any emails received since the section was last updated (Blind carbon copy a reply to me for credit)

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  • each member must write at least 1 article
  • each member must peer edit at least 2 articles
  • each article turned in must contain the following for full credit (minus 5 for each missing - proofing is IMPORTANT, especially since these are on the web for all to see!):
             written by: ______
             check 1: _______
             check 2: _______
