
All the images on this website were taken using Ilford SFX 200 and edited in Adobe Photoshop. I'm a journalism student and hobbyist photographer, not a professional. I started shooting infrared film during high school by trial and error. Over time, I realized it's not as hard as people make it sound.

Galleries - Infrared - Photography by Isac Ekberg: This is a collection of unique infrared photos taken with a digital camera.

xrez gigapixel images -- Zion Canyon from Observation Point in Infra-Red: A full-circle, panoramic view of a canyon in the Southwest in infrared.

Invisible Light by Andy Finney: A huge gallery of infrared photos with technical information.

Digital Infrared Photography with a Digital Camera: This page offers an overview of shooting infrared pictures with digital cameras. Andrzej Wrotniak takes you through shooting and processing. He also includes common problems and sample infrared images taken by different digital cameras.

Shooting Infrared with Digital Cameras: Thom Hogan describes a simple way of shooting and editing digital infrared photos.

ECHENG.COM: Eric Cheng, Digital Infrared Photography: A great review of filter types and photoshop techniques.

Digital ImageMaker Infrared Photography how-to, review, techniques: Digital ImageMaker provides an overview of infrared: how to convert your digital camera, techniques, examples and reviews of cameras with infrared sensitivity.


CoCam: Infrared Photography -- Infrared FAQ: CoCam, a photography company, answers common questions about infrared film. This is a great resource for questions about equipment. The authors discuss different film types, infrared filters and cameras in depth.

Infrared photography - popular myths: Information about infrared photography is often confusing and even conflicting. This guide debunks misconceptions of infrared.

Understanding & Using Black & White Infrared Film: This page discusses different film qualities and the science behind infrared.

The Art of Infrared Photography: This is a guide for those more interested in the artistic, over technical, aspects of infrared film. It could apply to digital too.

Created for MMC3260 by Jennifer Jenkins in 2008.