Spanish and Portuguese Studies
P.O. Box 117405
Gainesville, FL 32611-7405
Tel.: (352)392-2016
Fax: (352)392-5679

"The shame of the blessing: A diachronic analysis of pregnancy-related adjectives in Romance." Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2009 (HLS), San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 2009. (with Stephanie Knouse)

"Auto-ethnography in the advanced language classroom: teaching intercultural competence through reflexivity in a diverse setting." Anthropology, interculturality and language learning and teaching, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris, France, December 2008.

"Asina es:  Coming back to life, from indicator to stereotype and a strange story of frequency." Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2008 (HLS), Quebec City, Québec, October 2008.

"Pushing the envelope: Looking beyond the variable context in Iberian Spanish futures." New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 36, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 2007.

"The future behind us: Competition in Spanish future temporal expression since 1600." Workshop on Historical Grammar and Spanish Dialectology, 18e conférence internationale de linguistique historique (ICHL18), Montréal, Canada, August 2007

"Ojalá fuera asina!: Así-asina variation in sociohistorical perspective." Georgetown University Round Table (GURT), Washington, DC, March 2007 (with Esther Brown)

"Choosing a Future: 400 years of Spanish future temporal reference" II Colloquium on Hispanic/Latin American Literatures, Linguistics, and Culture, Gainesville, Florida, October 2006

"Me voy a tener que ir yendo: A corpus-based study of the grammaticization of the ir a + INF construction in Spanish" 9th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, State College, Pennsylvania, November 2005

"The effects of dialect contact: Rates and constraints on /s/ reduction in the Salvadoran Spanish of Houston" 20th Conference on Spanish in the United States, Chicago, Illinois, March 2005 (with José Esteban Hernández)

"Medidas de subjetividad: la subjetivización de salirse en español" VIII Encuentro Internacional de Lingüística en el Noroeste, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, November 2004 (with Rena Torres Cacoullos)

"Ya verás: The fossilization of the future in Mexican Spanish" New Ways of Analyzing Variation 32, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 2003

"Cómo te diré?: The synthetic future in Mexican Spanish" 7th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 2003

"Me salía con las amigas: Pragmaticalization of reflexive markers" 8th International Pragmatics Association Conference, Toronto, Ontario, July 2003 (with Rena Torres Cacoullos)

"Determiner variation with English-origin nouns in New Mexican Spanish: Non-referentiality in bare nouns" New Ways of Analyzing Variation 31, Stanford, California, October 2002 (with Rena Torres Cacoullos)

"Dialect contact and accommodation: Variation patterns in Salvadoran Spanish in Houston" New Ways of Analyzing Variation 31, Stanford, California, October 2002 (with José Esteban Hernández)

"Mexicans with Disabilities and Cultural Citizenship: Belonging and a Community-Based Definition of Inclusion" Anthropology Wales Annual Conference, Cardiff, Wales, November 2001

"A synchronic study of le frequency and uses in popular Mexican Spanish and educated speech of Madrid" Linguistics Association of the Southwest Annual Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, September 2001

"Chueco in Mexico: Disability, Identity, and Human Rights" invited lecture, Stanford Center for Latin American Studies, Stanford University, Stanford, California, May 2000

"People with Visible, Physical Disabilities in Puebla, Mexico-Portrait of a Community" Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Conference, San Francisco, California, April 2000

"La educación integrada y las personas con discapacidad" Décima Jornada Nacional e Internacional de las Personas con Discapacidad, Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico, October 1995

Jessi Elana Aaron