Seedfolks: Lesson 1

ESL Standards:

Goal 2:  To use English academically in all content areas.
Standard 1:Students will use English to interact in the classroom.
Standard 2: Students will use English to obtain, process, construct,
and provide subject matter information in spoken and written form.

              Activity 1 | Activity 2 | Activity 3

This week we will begin our study of Paul Fleischman's book Seedfolks, the story of a group of neighbors who establish a community garden. Before we begin to read, you and your group will need to work through each of these 3 activities.
carrotActivity 1: Defining community
  • Download and print a concept definition map from this site.
                             Concept Definition Map
  • Print the word community in the box labeled term. 
  • Work with your group to complete the map using the following link to find a definition and synonyms. Dictionary and Thesaurus
  • Be prepared to share your map with the class.

carrotActivity 2: Learning about Cleveland
  • This story takes place in Cleveland, Ohio. With your group, visit the following link and make a list of five facts about this city. 
  • Be prepared to share your answers with the class.
  • Also, be prepared to tell how Cleveland and our city, Dunedin, are different.         The City of Dunedin
  • Don't forget to visit Kid's Corner.
carrotActivity 3: The members of a Cleveland community build a garden in the middle of the city.
  • Read about another community garden, paying special attention to the garden rules. Idaho Gardens Community Gardens
  • After you have explored this site, work with your group to compile a list of the five most important rules for a community garden.
  • Use the word processor on your computer (Word or Apple Works) to type this rule list. You may add clip art or decorate with your own artwork.

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