Major: Health Science Education
Specialization: Community Health Education
Grade Level: Senior
Presentation Group 1
Presentation group members: Heather Rawls, Kiersten
Adams, Marianne Fritz, Christian Wilson
Presentation title: The Skeletal System
Presentation date: June 8, 2005
As long as I can remember,
I have wanted to be a pediatrician. In high school
I worked at a hospital in the Cancer Center as
a Technical Assistant. I worked along side the
Radiation Therapists on a daily basis, which intrigued
me in that profession. After my first semester
at the University of Florida, I decided that I
would complete my degree in Health Science Education
and then pursue my interests in Radiation Therapy.
Another one of my loves is children, so I plan
to work in pediatrics one day as a Radiation Therapist.
Year Career Plan
In May of 2006 I will be
receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Health
Science Education with a specialization in Community
Health Education, from the University of Florida.
I am currently applying to Radiation Therapy schools
throughout the United States, and will hear back
from them sometime between March and April of
2006. Most of the Radiation Therapy programs start
between July and September of that year, and will
last for the duration of 12 to 24 months depending
on the school. I hope to travel as a temporary
Radiation Therapist the first few years out of
school, that way I can experience living in different
cities, while also enjoying a rewarding career.
However, I may decide to work at one cancer center/hospital
for a year or so before traveling, in order to
feel more grounded with my skills and my career
choice. Radiation Therapists are in such demand
right now, that this career opportunity for me
will not only provide me the stability I need
professionally, but also fulfill my desire to
work in the medical field and help others.