Acne: controlling the incurable

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Hannah Colson

It’s the morning of your big test. You wake up, look and the mirror and sigh. Ugh, there’s another one—another pimple. While we should be worried about acing the exam, our mind is more focused on this embarrassing honker on our forehead. Aren’t these supposed to be gone after those awkward teenager puberty years? Not so much.

While acne may be the curse of stressed-out college students everywhere, it actually affects a wider age range than we may think.

According to University of Miami dermatologist Jonette E. Keri, M.D., Ph.D., acne is a chronic disease and more than 40 percent of middle-aged women suffer from it.

“So many people have it, and if you can’t see it, it’s probably on their chest or back and they are hiding it,” Keri says.

Our proclaimed “selfie generation” is so used to seeing acne-clearing medicines advertised on TV and online that we have been persuaded to believe that acne is terrible, embarrassing, and most of all, can be easily fixed.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, acne affects 40 to 50 million Americans annually. More than likely, that celebrity you’re admiring has dealt with acne at some point. These women just have glam squads and makeup artists equipped to cover up their flaws, something us college students don’t have access to.

“There is a big pressure on teenagers and college kids these days as far as their appearance and as far as studying and succeeding in school and real life,” says New Jersey-based acne specialist and licensed aesthetician Nikolett Ivanyi. “But there is no magic product.”

That’s the worst thing about acne—it’s just so hard to control. It has a mind of its own and pops up (literally) at the worst times. Yet, we still hold ourselves to these impossibly high standards of perfection.

Prescription acne creams, face washes and home-remedies are not the cure-all for every pimple and blemish. Lifestyle and your day-to-day activities can also contribute to breakouts.

“Acne is not something that is curable,” Ivanyi says. “It’s not going to go away, but you can definitely learn how to keep it under control.”

But, guess what ladies, we can still look #flawless. Just follow these daily skincare tips and you may wake-up looking like Beyonce (probably not, but we can all dream, right?)

Don’t be afraid to put on makeup—just make sure to take it off before bed.

Some studies show that younger girls feel better about themselves when they use makeup to cover their acne, Keri says. If you pick a lighter makeup that is non-comedogenic (will not block pores), your skin won’t get any worse. Just wash it off before you crawl into bed, even when it’s extremely tempting not to.

Catch more zzz’s

Instead of spending every night in the library or out at the bars until 3 in morning, try to prioritize sleep whenever possible. According to Everyday Health, not getting enough sleep can actually worsen your existing skin conditions. Your skin may become more sensitive and the increased inflammatory response can result in more acne.

Don’t cram

Cramming for your exams leads to stress and more stress can affect your hormone balance, which can also influence sebum (oil) production and increase your likelihood of getting acne. Instead, try coming up with a well-planned study schedule to prevent having to pull all-nighters.  

Clean the hidden skin-ruining culprits

A few seemingly benign culprits may be ruining your skin, like your phone and your pillowcase. According to Ivanyi, your hair leaves chemicals and oils on your pillow and that can get absorbed into your skin. The more oils that seep into your skin, the more likely your skin will get clogged and pimples will begin to form. And if you know you have sensitive skin, make sure to buy fragrance-free laundry detergent and body wash. 
Who can focus on a final exam with a big zit on their forehead, am I right? This perfect skin may not be achievable overnight, but with a healthy skin-care routine, it can be controlled. So use these tips and show everyone how #flawless you really are.